Chapter 28

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (2WEI- In the end)

"So this is Wakanda," I hum to myself as I stared at the dawning sun.

Lifting my head, I breathe in the fresh air again, impressed by the sights of the advanced City.

Who would've thought that a place like this existed.

The figures in front of me exchanged looks and it's only now do I permit myself to see who they are.




"Soldat." I speak out before I can stop myself.


He flinches, dark eyes brooding.

He doesn't move away when I walk towards him, only stopping when the barrier didn't allow me to go through.

I scan his attire and face, taking as much time as possible knowing it only made him that more nervous.

His hair is long and the arm that had been blown off by my brother was now replaced by a Vibranium one.

His usual tired expression is no longer there and I deduced it's because he finally broke out of the training.

I guess we both did.

Too bad he excelled from there.

I became a living nightmare of myself.

Worst then HYDRA's Dark Witch and worse then SHIELD's assassin.

I smiled, the mask and hood evaporated. "Did you miss me?"

He stumbles backwards, hands clutching the artillery rifle.


I nodded slowly.

If it wasn't for Steve's grip over his shoulder, I thought he would have collapsed.

Bucky's eyes are wide and he's breathing heavily.

I know for a fact that Steve must have told him but it never beats seeing the real thing, does it?

He shoves Steve's grip away from him and doesn't hesitate to approach me, one hand out.

"Buck, don't touch the barrier." Steve attempted to stop him but my Protector didn't care.

"Y-You're alive."

"I never left." I tell him, honestly, feeling his emotions go haywire with guilt and pain.

"H-How?" He's so close now, only an inch away from the cackling barrier.

Swallowing hard, I looked over to my remaining family members and forced my face to still. "I don't know."

Because the truth was, I didn't know how I survived.

I still haven't gotten over what the stones did to me and I would be lying if I said it didn't affect me.

"What do you want?" My voice had grown cold. "You sent that transmission request in an attempt to get my attention. You did."

Steve nods stiffly. "Are you alone?"

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