Chapter 73

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Jonna Jinton- Kulning[Winter's Lullaby]) & (Zack Hemsy- The Way)

Let go.

It is the only way you'll be free.

In the dark, I know she waits for me.

I know, because I've been here before.

Only this time, unlike in the soul world, I see her, clear as day, I recognize her like the back of my hand.

Because it's me.

It's always been me.

I've always been staring at my reflection.

She's always been staring back.

And here we stand, a meter apart, our eyes set and our hands relaxed.

My black lights with her blue lights.

My black hair with her brown hair.

My obsidian eyes with her brown ones.

"They won't let you do it," She says first, her tone admonishing.

"I know." Was my response.

"I don't want to do it, either." Her sad smile and the truth behind her words, comforts me.

Because neither did I.

"I don't want to do it, too." But we don't have a choice. Neither of us do. "I hope it doesn't hurt."

"Yeah, like that will ever happen." She snorts, her brown strands fanning the sides of her face. "Getting pretty sick of pain at this point."

"But it'll stop after this right?" I raised an eyebrow at her, to which she frowns, unsure to the answer to my question.


We lapse in silence, the two of us finding peace in it.

"So I guess that's what happens huh? No one will remember us." She shrugs her shoulders indifferently but I know she's afraid.

Because I am too.

"It makes sense doesn't it?" I can't help but scoff. "All the decisions and choices that prevents them from winning, can't happen because of one life."

"Our life."

Yes... Our life.

"Our life, over the lives of many others."

Wanda. Sam. Bucky.

I fear when I open my eyes, many more have already perished.

"The stones ask for balance, it's only fair we give it to them right? We had a nice life, somewhat, even though it hurt most of the time."

Sighing, I raise my palms and let the black lights glitter. I'm tired at this point, tired of everything, tired of being used.

God, how many more stages were there?

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