Chapter 42

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Sleeping At Last- Saturn)

A/N Welcome back to TDW part 3, I know you guys have been waiting for this, so by all means... read away.

There's always a turning point in someone's life.

It could be after an act of defiance or maybe a horrible tragedy.

What if I told you, my turning point was bounded by fate?

It was meant to happen.

It was meant, to come true.

This is usually the time I say; "Bullshit,"

Because I'm just that cynical.

I don't want to believe my life was written thousands of years ago. I don't want to believe that there was no way to escape it.

How many more times will God throw a stone at me?

I mean the real God by the way, not the one I know is walking around upstairs.

Anyway, how many more times can this happen?

Until I die?

Been there, done that.

Let me tell you, it's harder then it looks.

Staying dead, I mean.

Everything else, that's easy.

You can turn your emotions off, shut off to the world and pretend nothing ever happened.

I guess the only thing preventing me from doing that is a fairly annoying redhead that seemed dead set on trying to coax, the other side of me back.

Unfortunately for her, she's just going to accept that I am, who I am. Nothing is going to change that.

You want to try?

Oh, just rewind back time when Steve and Tony killed me.

That should be a start.

Tell me if you get somewhere.

It's true that I'm a murderer, that I'm the killer of the entire Universe.

I allowed the Snap to happen.

I allowed the pieces to fall in place.

After all, it was my plan wasn't it?

To get my revenge, to kill those that harmed me.

To avenge what I've lost.

But things are different now.

Even as I sat in my dimly lit cell, the room bathe in nothing but darkness, I'm surrounded with hazy streaks of white in my vision.

It's been happening more and more lately.

My vision blurring, my mind blacking out, my limbs paralyzed.

I can say it's because of everything but I know better.

What's a Darkling without her powers?

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." It was disgusting how I'm repeating my words from a few years ago.

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