Chapter 16

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Zayde Wolf- Save Tonight {Trailer version})

It's moments like this where I'm really grateful my mask was on.

Because if Hulk recognised me then it's game over.

"She know Hulk's name!" He declared cockily, looking at Brunnhilde with pride.

Meanwhile the Valkyrie was staring at me with a narrowed expression, and I know for a fact she's about to uncover something.

"That's because she's a Da-"

Creasing my fingers, I forced her to a stop, the words coming out dry.

She frowned, confused as to why she lapsed and as much as her mind fought through the haze she is unable to go through it and it gets lost in her own speech.

"I guess this is where I leave you," She nods at me, bowing her head slightly. "Hulk and I have some training to do, he is the Grandmaster's champion after all."

As a reply Hulk grunted in approval, his massive stance looking more muscular than ever.

His hair was also cut short and instead of wearing pants like he usually does he's wearing what looked to be a tunic bottom.

God, did I hit my head over something?

How is this possible?

In trying to get away from my family, I literally bumped into one of them.

Brunnhilde walked away with Hulk and they disappeared down an array of hallways, leaving me there with my breath stuck in my throat.

So he wasn't on Earth after all.

He wasn't hiding in Hawaii or stashed away in Mumbai like what Natasha thought.

The Quinjet must've soared through space and entered a portal that landed him here.

Those things are real by the way, they're rare though.

"Oh sweet god," I mumbled, exhaling and shutting my eyes as a wave of unfamiliar energy hit me all at once.

It's a warning.

Everything is steadily falling to place.

Isn't that what I wanted?

To get my revenge?

I don't know how long I stood there, shock and confused before-

"Forgive me for intruding, but I haven't seen you around here before."

Ah, fuck me again.

That voice.

The voice that started this in the first place.

Slowly turning around, I faced the intruder, black eyes swirling with unknown emotions.

This wasn't a coincidence at all.

There he stands, tall, lean, black hair slick as ever, green eyes glowing with a sense of both wickedness and boldness.

There's no malicious intent or some of that evil aura about him back in New York.

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