Chapter 20

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Run boy run- Woodkid) & (6th gear- Atom Music Audio) & (Redshift Venom- Audiomachine)

A/N Lets do this people. I hope you're prepared because I'm not holding back.

When I return to the Valkyrie's ship where Brunnhilde and Banner are waiting they don't question my silence.

They took one look at my face and decided it wasn't worth it, there are more important things to deal with.

I don't blame them.

I look like I'm about to murder an entire race and not bat an eye.

Oh wait, that's coming in the future.

I kept thinking about Thor's words, the effect slow and painful.

He knew I was going to die.

He knew and he didn't tell me.

Wanda and Pietro were never in danger from gaining powers from the mind stone.

They couldn't hear it because they weren't connected like I was.

I had a literal infinity stone running through my veins it's what Odd ball said when he was first born.

I was one of them.

So it wasn't my fault that the blue veins appeared.

Whether it'd be days from there, months maybe even years, I was going to die.

There was no escaping it. No cure even. Just... nothing.

It's not my death that causes me to feel such burning hatred.

It's that my friend, my family, lied to me.

He was a member of my team. He was one of the few people I looked up too.

And he didn't tell anyone. He kept it to himself.

Whether it be from fear or guilt it didn't matter.

He never told anyone.

And for that, Thor Odinson was going to pay.

That's enough to flip my switch for good. If I was unsure earlier on I've never been as sure as I was now.

No one was going to get in the way of my revenge.

Loud piercing sirens, followed by the Grandmaster's announcement alerted the three of us of Thor's escape.

"Time to move," Brunnhilde orders from her seat as Banner buckles down.

I walked over to the cockpit of her ship and grabbed hold of the bars as she begins taking flight.

The Dark Witch: Unknown (Avengers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now