Chapter 33

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Ciara- Paint it black)

Sam's eyes bulged. He began to levitate inches of the ground as the black vines wrapped around his throat and squeezed tighter.

My fingers began to tremble. The after effect of Sam's bullets hitting me straight.

Regrettably, I pulled my hand back like a sling hot and aim him at the skies before he's launched aside, away from me.

I know that won't kill him.

He's smart enough to deploy his wings.

I just wanted to be alone.

Crouching on one knee, my hand held onto my chest as more of my powers began to bleed out of me from the usage of the Mad Titan.

Whatever he was using the stones for, he means business.

The fact that it almost killed me proved that.

I re-stand on my feet, wrist to my mouth. "Proxima, Obsidian, Corvus... I need you to stand on your own. I have to..."

My words trailed off as my sight zeroed in on a familiar figure approaching me.

I don't say anymore when he stops just two meters away.

Panting, tired, covering in blood and grime.


"Come to finish me off?" Baring my teeth, the black slide over my fingers.

"Not if you surrender." He tells me.

"Then that's never going to happen." Flicking my cloak aside, I let out a huff of air. "You really want to do this Steve? I have places to be. I'd rather save killing you for last. Oh wait, Tony's first, then comes you."

"Yeah, revenge right?" He spits, not bothering to hide the disgust in his voice. "That's all you ever want."

"Judge me all you want Ice Pick, I want what I want."

"Not this time," Without warning, he swipes his hand, his latest weapon, inches from impaling my face.

I leaned back on my heels, fixing my stance when he comes at me again and again.

The sand makes my footprints as I try my best to hone in on my powers but I find them pulling away once more.

Whatever is happening at Titan, it was bad enough for me to feel it all the way here.

It doesn't help that the stones have gone underground, farer than I can reach them.

Steve catches a drop on me when he launches at my thigh.

I fell to my knee, ducking again and sliding beneath him.

When I get back up, I took my sweet time, unable to stop myself from admiring how his figure looked against the sun.

Even after my death, he still kept in shape.

That damn super soldier serum had its perks.

"I'd tap that,"

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