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After almost a month away, coming back home felt great. I threw myself on my bed, my own bed, which I'd missed a lot. It was bedtime already when we arrived, so the first thing I'd done was getting ready to sleep. In my pajamas, I burrowed my face into my pillow that I had certainly missed. No pillow was as comfy as my own.

Suddenly the realization hit me. I had to go to school tomorrow. Ugh, I didn't want to. I groaned in annoyance about that good-for-nothing school just when Hyunjin entered my room, also he ready to sleep in his pajamas.

"You don't seem very happy to be home," he said and looked at me from the door.

"I am, I just realized I have school tomorrow," I said with a scrunched nose.

Hyunjin chuckled slightly before walking towards me and lying down next to me on my bed. "How tragic," he said with no actual sympathy whatsoever.

"Yah, you're laying on my blanket" I complained because the boy was on top of my blanket, so it could barely fit over me, and my room was cold.

Instead of rising up again, he moved a bit to the side, lifted up the blanket, then moved back under it. "Better?" he asked and looked at me with a smirk.

"No, it's my bed, you go sleep in your own," I said and snatched the blanket from him.

"But yours is so much more comfortable" he whined as he tried getting the blanket back.

"Your bed is the exact same, just smaller," I said, because we literally had the exact same bed but in different sizes.

"It's not the bed, it's you that makes it more comfortable," he said.

I scrunched my nose as I looked at him, then pushed him so he fell off my bed and landed on the floor. "Yah, get out," I said.

"Ouch," he said and winced in pain as he stretched his back out in sitting position. "Now my back hurt"

"Just get out," I said again, and he raised up and went to the door.

"Goodnight," he said as he stood in the doorway.

"Goodnight," I said back.

"Love you" he then said right before closing the door.

Why did he have to say that? Now it would take quite some time for my heart to calm down before I could fall asleep.

Should I have said it back? No, he closed the door too fast. But still. My own mind wanted me dead.


I entered the school building only to be met by Minji right away. "I can't believe it," she said and truly looked like she couldn't believe it, whatever 'it' was. "My girl has a man, and I couldn't be more proud" she then said and pretended to wipe away a nonexistent tear from under her eye as she looked at me as a proud mom.

"Hush, keep it down," I said, worried someone would hear, especially a certain person whose name starts with s and ends with ujin.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited, you better let me be your bridesmaid at the wedding" she continued excitedly but with a lower voice.

I looked at her with disbelief. "Aren't we taking it a bit too far here?" I said.

"Definitely not, so what are the names of your kids going to be?"

"I'm 18, I'm not having any kids in a long time," I said. Like damn, I'm still in high school.

"But it's important to know early on so you won't argue about it later" she kept hyping about my relationship.

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