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LA, I'd always wanted to visit LA. They'd been touring for almost a month now. Time flies by when you're having fun I guess. The last show in America, then they had a short break before they were traveling around Asia and Europe.

There were still 2 days left until the show, so we had plenty of time to spend here in LA. It was already late when we arrived, but we lived close to the beach, so we headed to the beach to see the sunset with some pizza we ordered.

We sat in the sand and looked out over the sea as the sun was setting. It was really pretty, but we soon got bored and started playing in the water. Every time a wave came, they ran backward to avoid the water.

I stood and watched the boys when Hyunjin ran into me, since he couldn't see me when he was running backward.

"Yah!" I cried at him when I suddenly had his back up against my face. He turned around when he realized I was right behind him, lifted me up in his arms and ran out again towards the water before throwing me away with a laugh.

That little shit. I landed hard on my butt in the water, and it wasn't comfortable. My ass was soaked.

"Yah!" I cried again, louder this time as I pushed him so he fell on his butt as well.

I stuck my tongue out at him as he looked at me, but he quickly raised up and started chasing me. He managed to grab ahold around my wrist, but I broke free and continued running with him after me. There was a big cliff, and I ran up to the top only to notice what a stupid move that had been. The only way down was the way I'd come from, and there stood Hyunjin, waiting for me to walk towards him.

I looked over my shoulder, but as I saw the beautiful sunset I couldn't do other than stare. I turned to watch it, and Hyunjin walked up next to me.

"It's so pretty," I said in awe, looking out over the sea where the sun was setting.

"Really pretty" Hyunjin agreed. I turned my head to look at him, only to realize he was looking at me and not the sea.

"You're not even looking at it," I said with a frown.

"I wasn't talking about the sunset," he said as he continued gazing at me and laid his arm over my shoulders.

I looked up at him as I scrunched my nose, which weirdly enough made Hyunjin smile even brighter. "It's so cute when you're disgusted, so that's why I'm continuing," he said in amusement while looking at me.

I just shook my head and looked back at the sea.

"Yah, don't look away from me," he said when he realized I stopped looking at him.

"Why? I wanna watch the sunset, I can watch you later, if I'd wanted that" I added the last words in panic to not seem suspicious.

"I'm in need of attention," he said. "Your attention to be specific"

"Can't you get attention from almost whoever you want?" I asked him. If he wanted attention so badly he should just try to find some fans.

"I'm trying to make you fall in love with me, so it's only your attention I need," he said. I raised an eyebrow as I glared at him. He looked down at his feet, drained with sudden sadness "But you don't like me at all, because you just find me annoying. I'm like your annoying brother you're forced to live with" he said bitterly.

My heart really hurt from his words. Did he actually think that was how I thought of him? "Don't talk like that" I said and looked at him with seriousness.

"But it's true, you seem to dislike me a lot more than all the others" he continued.

I wasn't sure what was going on inside my head at that moment. Probably something like; fuck it, I don't care anymore, because what I did, did not only shock Hyunjin, but also myself.

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