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"Yah let go of me or I'll scream," I said in anger as Hyunjin continued pulling me with him. Hojun was long gone already, and Hyunjin was mad. Why, I didn't understand, but he was.

He wasn't like how I'd ever seen him before, and it creeped me out.

Finally, Hyunjin listened to me and let go of my wrist, but he didn't say a word. "What are you so mad about anyway?" I asked him with a calmer voice as being mad didn't seem to help.

"Don't you realize?" He asked with a grumpy voice.

"Realize what?" I asked, clearly not realizing.

"That boy, Hojun or whatever his name is, he's dangerous" Hyunjin explained, but nothing he said made any sense.

"And why is that?" I asked, which made Hyunjin stop walking and turn to me, who also stopped.

"You girls are so blind really" he sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"Yah! don't roll your eyes at me" I said in irritation as he seemed to think I was shallow.

"He's flirting with you" Hyunjin then stated before he began walking again.

I stood still though, not understanding what he'd meant. Or I understood what he said, but I didn't understand how he could actually think that way.

"What? No, he's not" I said in confusion. "Whatever you think, me and Hojun are just friends" I added to clear things up.

"Then you should tell him that" Hyunjin replied.

"It's called being nice, you should learn from him" I snapped at him, making Hyunjin stop again to turn around and face me.

"You don't think he's being a bit much?" Hyunjin asked and he seemed to get tense from my comment.

"Walking with me home, offering me his jacket, aren't those things you've done to me as well," I said and tilted my head to the side as I frowned at him.

"But that's different because we live together and I'm your brother's best friend. He would kill me if I let you freeze" he defended himself.

"So you only gave me your jacket to save your friendship with my brother," I said. He was just digging himself further down in a hole.

"That's not what I meant" he tried saying, but he'd already done enough damage. "I care about you, a lot, why would I keep you away from that boy if I didn't care about you?" He continued to defend himself.

"I don't know, you tell me," I said, and now I was really enraged.

"I swear, everything I do, I do because I care about you" he continued saying.

"Then leave me alone if you care so much about me!" I cried in anger before turning the other way and running off.

I knew Hyunjin had to go back to the company, so instead, I ran home, where he wouldn't be until tonight. He had been acting so weird, as if he was a completely different person. I knew Hyunjin, and he wasn't like this. He was a nice guy. He must really dislike Hojun, but I couldn't understand why. He's just so kind, how could Hyunjin hate him?

As I entered the apartment no one was home. How nice. I could use some time for myself right now. I guessed they all had practice until late as their comeback is getting closer, so I would have the place to myself all afternoon.

I took up my phone to text Minji. We needed to talk. 'Wanna come over, I have a lot to tell you and the boys aren't here' I texted her, and I didn't have to wait long for her to respond.

'I'm taking the next bus' she replied to my text.

As I waited for her to arrive I turned on the TV. Some idol variety show was playing and I didn't mind to check what it was before I ran to the kitchen to find some snacks.

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