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"Can't we go on the rollercoaster?" Hyunjin asked and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Sure, but I'm not going with you, I wanna go with Seungmin" I said and stood right next to Seungmin.

"No you're going with me" Hyunjin said and grabbed my arm as he started walking towards the line.

"But we're out in the public" I said with low voice.

"I don't care" he said and continued pulling me with him.

I stopped. "But I do" I said and snatched my arm from Hyunjin.

He looked at me with disappointment. "Fine, but you're going on the Ferris wheel with me then" he said and started walking again.

"We'll see about that" I said. We weren't here to ride every single carousel here is, we were here to just chill and have a good time.

Hyunjin didn't seem to have heard me. Either that or he just ignored me. I went with Seungmin, and behind us were Hyunjin and Jeongin. The others filled on after us.

It wasn't extraordinary, but it was still fun, and when we returned back, I had a smile over my face.

"Let's buy something sweet" I suggested with milkshake in thought after seeing a milkshake place.

"Sure, what do you want?" Hyunjin asked and looked around.

"Milkshake" I said. "Cookies and cream milkshake" I said when I saw a flavor that caught my attention.

"Let's order milkshake then" Chan agreed along with the rest.

After drinking our milkshakes, we just walked around and looked at the place. We even went down to the beach and played in the water. We kept splashing the water up on each other until we all stood in wet clothes from head to toe. The only clothings that were still dry were our shoes, because we hadn't been wearing them in the water.

We were there until the sun started setting, and then Hyunjin suggested we should go on the Ferris wheel.

He didn't even ask me if I wanted to go with him. When it was time to get on, he silently pulled me with him and closed the gate after me. The wheel started moving and soon we were moving upwards.

The pier looked really cool as the sun was starting to set, especially when I could see it from above. I looked down beneath us as the ride stopped to let people on. We were almost at the top and Hyunjin put his arm behind my back. The wheel started moving for a short while before stopping again, and this time we were at the top.

He smirked towards me. "Now there's not a single soul that could possibly see us" he said and raised an eyebrow.

"You're such a kid" I said and rolled my eyes.

"You still like me though" he said before kissing me until the wheel started moving again. It felt as if the wheel stood still for longer than it had done the other times, but I didn't complain.

We reached the ground and got off. Hyunjin was still smirking, but I couldn't help but to feel a bit scared. No person should have been able to see us, but we couldn't be sure. He really needed to be more careful if he didn't want a scandal.


We returned to the hotel late, but all of us met up in Hyunjin's and Seungmin's room to talk and joke around for a while. I somehow ended up sitting in Hyunjin's lap. Shocker, I know. He sat with crossed legs on his bed, and I in his lap. The others didn't exactly react, since I used to sit in his lap all the time before as well. They were also aware of everything, so it's not like they were surprised.

Twins || Hwang HyunjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora