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I couldn't concentrate at all throughout the rest of the evening. My lips still felt weird, and so did the rest of me. I felt great, happier than ever, but everything seemed a bit foggy.

The boys continued a few more rounds of truth or dare before they thought it was a good idea to make me play as well.

"You should play as well, only one time," Hyunjin said to me. Only his voice made me jump.

"No, you guys play, I don't want to," I said and leaned back against Hyunjin's chest. I tilted my head backward so I could see Hyunjin who was smiling towards me from above my head. Suddenly he leaned his face closer, and closer, and I swear, he was about to kiss me again.

I sat up straight in panic, making sure I wasn't leaning on his chest anymore. I didn't actually want to avoid his precious lips, but I didn't have control over myself at that moment.

"No come on, you play," Hyunjin said as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah, you should play now" Felix agreed, making me glare at him.

"Okay whatever," I said.

"Yay, let me ask, please," Jisung said. The others shrugged as to give him the task of asking me truth or dare. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said. I didn't want to have to move or do something embarrassing, and if I choose truth I didn't even have to tell the truth if I didn't want to.

"Hmm..." Jisung thought for a few seconds. "Okay, kiss marry kill..."

"Isn't it supposed to be fuck marry kill?" I interrupted him to ask.

"We're family-friendly, so no" he replied to me.

"But no one's filming, right?" I didn't quite understand why they had to be family-friendly when nobody was hearing them.

"Will you let me finish please?" Jisung said as he was getting impatient.


"So kiss marry kill, your options are Park Hyungsik, GOT7 Park Jinyoung and Hyunjin" he finally got to finish.

Hard to choose. They're all definitely boyfriend material. "Can't I marry two of them?" I asked as I couldn't decide. I did actually know what I'd do, I'd kiss Park Hyungsik, marry Hyunjin and kill Jinyoung, because I had never spoken to Jinyoung and only seen him once (sorry, I love him too though). Hyungsik on the other hand had I seen multiple times, in dramas only, but still. Then Hyunjin is Hyunjin. But I couldn't say that unless I wanted Hyunjin's ego to get too big. He was well aware of my obsession with Park Hyungsik, and if he knew he had a higher ranking than him, it wouldn't end well.

"No, you can only marry one," Jisung said.

"Okay, I'd kiss Park Jinyoung, marry Park Hyungsik and kill Hyunjin," I said as a final result.

"Yah, I should be the one you marry" Hyunjin complained.

"And why is that?" I asked him.

"Park Hyungsik is too old for you anyway, and Jinyoung as well" he muttered.

"You're also older than me" I tried saying.

"Yeah but not too old, I'm not even a year older" was Hyunjin's response.

"Don't you think it's up to me to decide who I think is too old?" I asked him.

"But he's 10 years older, that is too much when you're only 18?" He continued and I couldn't help but wonder if he actually thought I was marrying Park Hyungsik rather than him.

"It's a game, I'm not planning on marrying Park Hyungsik, I'll probably never even meet him," I said and shrugged. "And even if I'd said I would marry you, that wouldn't mean I was actually going to marry you" I added.

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