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"But I'm not," JYP said, which made both me and Hyunjin surprised.

Had he just said he wasn't mad at us for looking like we were dating and starting false rumors that could be bad for the group?

This was not the JYP I'd heard of. People used to say he was super strict and only focused on the profits.

"Wait, are you really not mad?" I asked him to make sure I'd heard it right.

"Strangely I'm not," He said and looked confused himself why he wouldn't be mad about this.

"Um, so what did you want to say then?" Hyunjin asked him.

"I'm actually thinking this could be good for the group" he then said, which I really wasn't ready for. I almost choked on the air I was breathing in at the moment.

"Huh?" I wondered. What could be good about this?

"Well, I was mad at first, but then I started seeing comments about how cute that was, and I was thinking this could be good for publicity, after all, you debuted just recently, and a scandal could either ruin your carriers or make more people acknowledge you. In this case, I'm thinking they'll figure out soon that you're not a couple anyway, and in the meantime, people start noticing you" he explained to us, who were sitting as question marks. Now that's the JYP I'd heard of, always thinking of the business.

Chan was still in the room, which I had almost forgotten about since he stood behind us by the door, but when he started talking I almost jumped as I remembered his presence. "Wait, are you seriously going to use Chaeyoung for publicity?" He asked, doubting JYP's thoughts. He didn't seem to like the idea of using me and I didn't like it either. I didn't want to be acknowledged by millions of people as supposedly Hyunjin's girlfriend.

"Well, no matter what you do there will be people thinking they're a couple. If you post on social media that it's false then they probably won't believe you anyway. They might think you're just trying to hide it. If you let it be, but stop being seen together all the time, just the two of you at least, then the rumors will die down, and you guys might have gained some new fans" he continued to explain. He did have a point though, and he wasn't really using me either. He was just letting it die down without rushing it too much.

"Are you sure you don't want us to post anything, explaining the situation about me living there or something?" I asked him to reassure he just wanted us to let it be.

"Well, if someone asks about your relationship you should say that you're just friends, but you don't have to make any statement about it" he answered my question.

That was all unexpected. I still didn't really believe it when we exited the room. I hadn't read comments about our 'relationship' but it seemed like they were unexpectedly good and supporting.

Now came the next problem. I had to explain the situation to Minji. I stayed and watched the boys practicing for a few minutes because I would have missed the second period anyway, so I just had to make it in time for lunch.

They were all really good and I didn't understand how they could be so talented. Hyunjin was legit killing it, and I had to admit he looked good while dancing. So did all the others as well, but for some reason, my eyes kept finding their way back to Hyunjin every time after I looked away for a second.

I couldn't sit there the whole day though. I had to go to school so I left the company and went to school.

The second I entered the canteen all eyes were staring at me. I just wanted to sink trough the ground or become invisible. I'd tried so hard to stay unnoticed in school, and now it was ruined. I thought some people would have seen it, but not the whole school. I guessed rumors spread like wildfires when the involved went to the same school. I doubted everybody here were stray kids fans.

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