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I don't know what I was thinking. Probably I wasn't thinking at all because if I would have been in my normal state I would never have done it.

I threw my arms around Hyunjin and buried my face in his shoulder, embracing him into a hug. He could probably feel how I began crying again because I was sobbing on his shirt.

Hyunjin seemed startled by the sudden hug, but after a second he calmed down and hugged me back. He didn't seem uncomfortable at all.

It was nice to be hugging someone. Just a comforting hug, and nothing more than that. I've needed that this whole day, but I haven't had anyone to hug. Hyunjin seemed quite huggable, and he was asking if there was anything he could do for me. I needed someone to comfort me. Someone who wouldn't question everything and Hyunjin didn't seem like he had to know everything.

"I'm sorry I'm making your shirt wet," I said as I continued to cry on his shoulder.

"It's fine, I have loads of shirts," he said with a soft voice.

I sat straight up again and tried to stop crying. Now Hyunjin could see how ugly I looked while crying, and I didn't like it. My eyes were probably red and puffy, but Hyunjin didn't mention it.

"You go to sleep," I said. "You have to go up early in the morning" I continued.

"Yeah maybe," he said, and the next second he disappeared down. I guessed he'd lay down in his own bed which was right below mine.

"Goodnight," he said, and I said goodnight back.

I couldn't help but to wonder why he suddenly seemed so nice. A few hours ago we'd been fighting over a k-drama, and now we'd been hugging like we were close friends.

What a weird kid. Extremely good looking, but an annoying kid, except sometimes when he's just like a teddy bear.


When I woke up the next morning, the sun was entering through the windows, but the whole room was empty and no sound could be heard in the apartment. I guessed the boys had already left, which meant I was alone.

As I entered the kitchen I saw a note someone had put up on the fridge.

'There are some leftovers from yesterday that you could eat' the note read. Whoever had written it had really cute handwriting, and also seemed nice since he let me eat the leftover sushi.

I opened the fridge and took the sushi that we'd eaten for dinner yesterday. I thought they'd eaten it all up but looks like they'd saved some.

It tasted just as good today as it'd done yesterday. I was happy while eating, but I didn't know why. I just woke up in a really good mood. I don't even know when that last happened, but I wasn't complaining. It's always nice to be happy.

I still hadn't packed up everything, so the whole morning I packed up my stuff. It wasn't very fun, but I was still in a good mood. Not even packing up could change my mood. When I was done I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to go out and buy some lunch. I was way too lazy to cook something myself, and I wasn't very good at cooking, so I just bought some black bean noodles.

It was also nice to actually come outside. Even the weather was really nice today, so I could go without a jacket.

While I was on my way back home I heard someone calling my name from afar. I turned around and searched for where the voice had come from and saw my friend Minji. She was running towards me and then stopped right in front of me.

"Hi," I said as she stopped.

"So what are you doing?" She asked, panting after running so fast.

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