Chapter 45 - Drunk

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They were in the bus and Jungkook hesitantly lies his head on top of Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung hugs Jungkook's waist, keeping him close and Jungkook closes his eyes in comfort.

They arrived at their destination and Jungkook quickly covers Taehyung's eyes. "Oh.. are you giving me a surprise?"

"Mhm." Jungkook leads him to the main entrance. "You ready?"

Taehyung nods.

"3.. 2.. 1." He uncovers his eyes and Taehyung lets out a gasp as he was faced with the familiar building.

"But.. how did you.."

"It took me a month to get us tickets. I've been planning to take you here. Do you like it?"

Taehyung pulls Jungkook into a hug and he nods. "I love it.. How did you know I've been wanting to go to this museum?"

"It's easy. I asked Yoongi." He chuckles.

Taehyung smiles. "Thank you."

"If you really mean it.." Jungkook cups his cheeks.

"Right now?"

Jungkook nods.

Taehyung leans in and captures Jungkook's lips, Jungkook covering themselves with their big ass tickets.

They were next in line and Taehyung was literally jumping out of joy as they check their tickets.

"You're so cute. I wanna take you to every museum in Seoul with me." Jungkook smiles and Taehyung interlocks his hand with him. "I'd love that."

Taehyung couldn't stop saying "whoa" here and there as they walked around the museum. He went to every frame in excitement and admires them deeply.

Jungkook captures some pictures. Not because the art was beautiful but because Taehyung is there and he's the most beautiful.

"Hey." Taehyung smiles. "Come here.." He drags Jungkook around the room and explains to him about every frame.

"-and that's why they're gay."

"Like us?"


They were on the bus and Taehyung was busy scrolling through his phone that was filled with museum pictures.

Jungkook smiles as he stares at his own phone. It was flooded with Taehyung pictures.


Taehyung had been secretly taking pictures of Jungkook as well. He opens instagram and uploads it, immediately gaining lots of likes.

"What did you post?"



Jungkook hurriedly opens his instagram and his mouth agapes when he sees himself drawn into a picture frame. His mouth further agapes as he reads the caption,

"My art staring at my favorite art."

"You.. you can't do that.." Jungkook pouts and Taehyung pulls him into a hug. "You're so cute, you know? When you're focusing on something."


Taehyung kisses his cheeks.

"How did he get to this state?" Jimin helps Yoongi carry him to bed. "How much did he drink?"

"2 and a half.. bottles." Yoongi says as they drop Taehyung in bed.

Jungkook arrives at his dorm.

"Crush " | Taekook 🐰🐯 [completed] Where stories live. Discover now