Chapter 14 - Cold

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Taehyung takes Jungkook to his dorm but Jungkook stops him as they reached his floor.

"I can go on my own.." Jungkook smiles and Taehyung just nods.

Jungkook hesitantly wraps his arms around Taehyung's neck. "Thank you. I had fun."

Taehyung raises an arm to pat onto his back.
"I had fun too."

Jungkook smiles and returns to his room. "Goodnight!"

Taehyung went down the elevator.

Jungkook shuts the door behind him and smiles as he throws himself in bed. He squeals.

"This is the best day ever.." He sits and lets out a gasp when he realizes that he was still wearing Taehyung's jacket.

"Well.." He hesitantly sniffs into his jacket. "It smells like him.." He curiously reaches into his pockets and finds a hair clip.

"What.. didn't he say he doesn't use hair clips? This is the exact star hair clip I found the other day.." He smiles as he observes the material.

"Liar.." He lies in bed.

"He's amazing.. he's actually so nice. Is he slowly opening up to me? But why?" He pouts. "Maybe Yoongi had told him about me knowing.. But shouldn't he be mad?"

Jungkook crawls off bed and stands in his balcony. He hides himself as he stares into Taehyung's room.

Taehyung was lying in bed when he suddenly sits up to take his shirt off. For some reason, Jungkook closes his eyes.

"Shit.. what is wrong with me. I shouldn't be a stalker." He went back inside. "I'll return his jacket tomorrow.."

He breathes into his jacket, loving his scent. He closes his curtains, promising himself that he would not peek at Taehyung's room again.

....Jungkook was kidding he could never do that.

The following day..

Jungkook runs towards Taehyung and hands him his jacket.

"Hi." Jungkook smiles and Taehyung takes his jacket.


"Are you busy today?"


"Oh.." Jungkook pouts. "Doing what?"

"Many homework."

Jungkook just nods. "Not.. even enough time to have a cup of coffee with me?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "It's due tomorrow."

Jungkook just nods and he unconsciously lowers his head.

He looks sad.  "Hey. Next time?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook's eyes lit up.


Taehyung gives him a small smile and walks to his classroom, leaving a flustered Jungkook.

"It was amazing! And then there were these kids-"

"Please don't talk too fast.." Jimin says, munching his chips in his room. "I can't process everything so quickly.."

"Crush " | Taekook 🐰🐯 [completed] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant