Chapter 42: Chinese and Good Fortunes./Cordelia

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"No Dave, I really like him." I say aggravated.

"Why?" Dave asks angrily. "He is such an.... idiot." 

"You are just so jealous of him that you can't see how much of a great guy he is!" I say folding my arms.

"Jealous of what exactly?" Dave asks me crossly.

"Him. You are jealous that he gets to have me and I'm not repulsed by him." I say folding my arms.

"I am not jealous." Dave whispers through gritted teeth.

"Doesn't matter, you're still pathetic." I say rolling my eyes.

"You little bitch." Dave says.

        Dave slowly looks around and raises his hand,he quickly brings it down. I  close my eyes and wait for the blow that never comes. I think I can hear Romeo's voice, but it's hard to tell with the blood pounding through my ears and the barbaric sound of my heartbeat. I slowly pop my left eye open then my right. Oh god, oh my sweet baby Jesus inside a cradle, Dave almost hit me! We are in public none the less. Where are his manners?

        Romeo starts to yell at Dave I think, but all I hear is their voices blend with the rest of the heavy crowd's. Dave puts a stray hair behind my ear, to disguise apparently, as if the fact that he tucks flown away hairs on my head is any creepier. Yeah I'm just gonna go...

        We left Dave without a ride, which I find hilarious. Romeo seems a little bit more nervous to leave him behind. Who cares? He can ride the crazy train back home! 

"Lets go get some food." I say hungrily.

        Romeo turns to me in surprise.

"What?" I say merrily, honestly happy to be out of the place, and far, far, far, away from Dave. 

        Well I guess I'm not that far away from him. There is never really "Far enough" from Dave, there is just, away. Also you know, I'm still in the store parking lot.

        Romeo fires away at me with stupid questions and I do my best to dodge them.

"Blah, blah, blah." Romeo says, or at least that's all I hear.

        Eventually Romeo gives me what I want and drives away. 

"The Lucky Ducky?" I ask.

"It's cute." Romeo says.

        I look at him in surprise, did he just call a Chinese restaurant cute?

"Are you questioning my judgment Pocket?" He asks, kissing me on the nose.

"Maybe." I say mischievously.

"Well, I just so happen to know the tickle monster very well. He hates when people disagree with me." Romeo says.

" Alright!" I say throwing my hands up in defense. " It's cute. Okay?"

        He smiles and takes my hand. The walk to the store seemed longer than it was and made me reevaluate my fatigue. Halfway through dinner my eyes started to close and my fork kept dropping out of my fingers, because they would relax as I started to sleep.

I worried that I would fall into my plate and apparently so was Romeo. I must have fallen asleep for a few minutes because when I jerked awake all of my food was packed away in a small Styrofoam container. I smile as Romeo tries to lead me out the door.

"Wait!" I call hastily. "My fortune cookie." 

        I start to walk back into the restaurant, but Romeo grabs my hand and pulls a small cookie wrapped in see through plastic, and a receipt

"You paid again!?!" I ask upset. "You pay for it every time, it was my turn!"

"Hey, hey, Pocket, don't get upset." He says taking me into his arms. "I paid while you were sleeping. I wasn't about to just wake you up to pay."

"You should have." I say into his chest, my words muffled by his shirt.

"Well, I know a few ways you can repay me." Romeo says, I can just picture the sly grin on his face as he said those words.

"Well, I'll just get the tab next time, I guess." I say dismissing his advances on me.

        He frowns as I slowly reach into his pants pocket and reach for my fortune cookie.

"Is that an egg roll in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" I ask humbly. 

"Ha ha." Romeo says smiling. "How about only I make the puns around here." 

"What?" I ask. "That was a good one."

        Romeo rolls his eyes and cracks open his cookie. His eyes widen so I open up mine as well. It reads, Something terrible is coming, but the sun always shines after a storm. I flip the scroll over. Learn Chinese, Danger, (We'aixan)

"Oh my god." I whisper.

"What?" Romeo asks.

        I quickly shield my scroll from him.

"Nothing." I say. "Just some stupid fortune." I say tucking the scroll into my pocket.

        Romeo shrugs and opens my car door for me, before walking over to the driver's side. I watch the landscape change for awhile before I must have fallen asleep. A little while later, I feel Romeo's hands slip around the back of my neck and underneath my knees. I yawn and curl against him as I feel him lift me up and carry me to the house and slowly up the stairs.

         I don't open my eyes, but I can feel him lay me down into my bed and kiss my forehead.

"Goodnight Pocket." He whispers.

"Mm hmm." I say incoherently.

        I listen as he walks towards the door and pauses. I know because his footsteps stop making noise. I groan and roll over popping my left eye open and propping my head on my wrist. 

"Can I help you?" I ask sleepily.

"Cordelia, don't freak out, don't scream, don't move." He says in a low whisper 

"Why?" I ask matching his tone, my eyes on full alert.

"I think there is someone in your house." He says so quietly that chills run up and down my spine.

"It's probably just Dave." I say relaxing a little.

"Is Dave a 6'4 black man?" He asks.

                                                                Oh my god, someone's in my house.


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