Chapter 41: I found it./Romeo

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        Oh my god, the lines were so long. A line of people at least a mile long filed out of the store waiting for it to open. We stand there in the freezing cold, waiting for Dillard's to open. 

"Why are we here?" I ask freezing.

"I need new bedding." Cordelia says casually, as though she is on a hot beach in Hawaii and not in our negative degree, Midwest weather.

"We are hear for bedding?" I ask accusingly.

"Among other things." She says.

        I am about to speak again when I see Dave staring daggers into me. So I just quietly stand there and endure his annoyed glances. What did I do? I try to make small talk and be nice to him but every word I say, every breath I take he seems to hate me more.

        Soon midnight comes, the door opens and we all shuffle into the store. 

"Well I'm going to go check out the bedding." Cordelia says.

I nod. "I'll come with you."

        Cordelia and I walked away hand in hand, leaving Dave to fend for himself. I turn around to see if he is okay or following us. But all I see is him standing there looking longingly at me and Cordelia's hands. Then his gaze wanders over to Cordelia's butt and a large grin crosses his face, or at least I think he was looking at her butt, I could be wrong, either way his eyes send chills down my spine and goosebumps appear all over my body. I turn back and Dave has disappeared in the large sea of people rushing in and out. 

        We walked towards what I assume is the home decor. While we walked, more like lightly jogged, I couldn't help but notice a large glass box with lights coming out of the sides. I walked by and casually glanced at the box, a blonde woman smiled at me with large White teeth, jewelry filled the glass box. I shook my head, but as I walked away a small bracelet caught my eye. I looked forward and Cordelia had walked in front of me. She turned and waited for me to catch up. I smiled and jogged towards her. We down an aisle filled with comforters and pillows. Soon the glass box and the woman accompanying it disappeared from sight, but not from mind.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I say casually so that I don't seem suspicious.

"Okay, just hurry back." She says, inspecting a blue blanket.

        I rush around the corner and walk towards the woman again.

"Hello." She said. "Can I help you with anything, all of our jewelry is 20% off."

"I was just wondering if I could see that." I say pointing to one of the necklaces in the front row.

        She smiles and nods, as she pulls out a necklace with a simple white gold chain and a small white rose that hung on the lightly on the chain.

"I'll take this one."I say happily and hand her my credit card.

        She swipes the card and slides the necklace into a black box. She walks over to me and hands me the box. I take it in my hands and remember that Cordelia is here, she'll notice that I have a bag.

"Can I come and pick this up tomorrow?" I ask.

She looks confused. "Most people take it right away but you can keep it here if you like." She says.

"My girlfriend is here with me, and  I don't want her to see it." I say.

"Oh." She says excitedly and winks. "Yes, I think I can keep that here for you. Name?"

"Romeo Apara." I say, as a large group of people whip past me.

"Okay, got it." She says logging my information onto a computer.

"Thank you, I have to go." I say rushing off towards Cordelia.

        I walk back around the corner and to my surprise Dave seems to have already found her. My speed walk slows to a light trot, then I stop altogether. With all the noise and rustling people I can't hear what they are saying, but they both are talking very heatedly. I see Dave look around so I lean back behind the shelf so he does not see me. I watch, dazed as Dave lifts his palm to strike Cordelia.

"Hey!" I shout. " Don't you touch her!" 

        Dave turns to me in surprise. He quickly tucks a stray hair behind Cordelia's ear, as though that were his plan all along. But I saw, I saw the evilness behind his eyes. 

"I wasn't going to hurt her." Dave says, placing a grin on his face.

"You know Dave I think I found the bedspread that I wanted and I'm really tired, I think I'll just have Romeo drive me home, and you can grab a taxi or something." Cordelia says, sensing the tension between us.

        Cordelia takes my hand and starts briskly walking towards the door.

"We live in Iowa, there are no taxis!" Dave screams after her.

        But it's too late, we are already out the door and sneaking into the night. Once again the frozen air hits me as we walk towards my car.

"Let's go get some food." Cordelia says as if nothing happened.

"Um. What?" I ask. 

She looks at me confused. 

"Dave almost slapped you and we just abandoned him in a store on one of there busiest days of the year." I say confused.

"Speaking of Dave." She says. "I would drive away now, before he comes to find us."

"Chinese food it is." I say pulling away.

        Cordelia tries to make small talk but keeps dodging all of my questions. I can't help but wonder if Dave had hit her before. Maybe that's what she's hiding. Was she hurt? Is that why she dosen't like to talk about Dave? I can't help but wonder.

        Maybe all those times I drove her home to keep her safe, I was putting her in the most dangerous place she could be.

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