Chapter 29: A rose as red and fresh as our love. /Romeo

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        I told her I love her. And I did, with all my being I loved that girl. To show my trust in her I gave her the keys to my car, which I would later find out that it was a terrible, terrible idea.

        Jack and I  left the house the same time Cordelia and Hannah did.

"So." I say breaking the silence in the car. "You really like this Hannah girl huh?"

"Yeah, she's a babe." He says through gritted teeth.

"Jack, I get your mad that I let Cordelia drive Stacy." I said calmly. "But can you blame me you've been in like five accidents."

"It was FOUR! and the last one wasn't even my fault you know DAMN WELL that the mailbox was not supposed to be there!" He shouts.

"I know, I know, But you have REAR VIEW MIRRORS for a reason." I snap at him.

"Whatever." He says glumly.

I look over at his sad puppy dog eyes.

"I'll tell you what, you can drive her tomorrow, Okay?" I say.

"Okay!" He says excitedly like a smile  child.

        I wince at his excitement, it took me three years of full time summer jobs to pay for that car. We pull into the driveway of the movie rental place at 5:23 p.m. I sigh, just in time.

We walk in and the bell above the door rings, the boy behind the counter looks to be about 14 and is chewing bubble gum rather loudly.

"Can we see the book with you new releases, please." Jack asks.

The cashier slams a white binder down on the table, Jack and I casually flip through the pages. 

"We should get some scary one, so the girls will cuddle up to us." Jack says slyly. 

I laugh. "We should get The Fault in Our Stars." I say casually.

"Um why?" Jack asks me. "Do you have a mental problem?"

"No. Cordelia just said she really wants to see it. What's wrong with wanting to make my woman happy?" I say fiercely.

He dosn't seem to hear the agitation in my voice.

"My woman." He says smiling."I like it, that's what I'm gonna call Hannah when she says yes."

I raise an eyebrow. "What makes you so sure she will?" I ask cautiously.

"My good looks and boyish charm." He says smugly.

        I roll my eyes, and pay for the movie rentals. We walk out into the cool night air, it's already night.

"Hey, can we stop by that flower shop on Hickory Road?" I ask nonchalantly.

Jack snaps his fingers and points at me. "Flowers, that's it!" He says excitedly. "Romeo You're a genius."

"I was talking about Cordelia, but whatever." I say mumbling, a tiny ember anger simmered inside of me. Flowers were mine and Cordelia's thing. He just met Hannah and he's taking over. I cross my arms and slide into the passenger's seat.

        We drive for awhile, I roll my window down a crack. The cool night air dances over my face. I close my eyes as Jack and I sit in peaceful silence for a moment.

"So you hit that yet?" Jack asks me. His eyes scanning my body as if there was a sign for me having intercourse with a girl.

"No. I haven't even brought it up." I snap.

"Oh man. You said the "L" word and you haven't boned?" He said sighing. "Maybe you have gone mad."

"By "L" word I assume you mean love and I said it because I do love Cordelia!" I say, my voice rising.

Jack whistles, "Man you are one sad and whipped puppy." He says shaking his head in disappointment.

"I thought you "Loved" Hannah?" I ask accusingly.

"Nah man, but she looks like a good fuck." He says.

        I stare at him in disgust. "How can you say that about someone as nice and innocent as Hannah?" I ask him sickened by his words.

"Romeo you used to be just like me, we used to have competition's to see who could get more girls." He said. "So don't get all high and mighty with me because we are the same person."

I bow my head in shame, remembering what a terrible person I was, my mind wanders back to the terrible thoughts that ran through my head as I held Cordelia's naked body in that hospital.

"You're wrong, I'm not the same as I was, and unlike you I want to change for the better." I snap.

        Our conversation is interrupted by an electronic beep that came from Jack's cellphone. 

"It's Hannah, she said yes!" He says happy. 

I watch him with hatred in my eyes as he texts her back, I didn't even feel our car slip into the other lane. I look up and there in front of us is Cordelia driving my black SUV.

"Is that my car?" I ask.

Jack is still texting Hannah and our car shifts into their lane.

"Jack!" I call, his eyes still on his cellphone. "JACK WRONG LANE!" I scream.

His eyes look up from his phone. "OH SHIT!" Jack calls grabbing for the wheel.

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