Chapter 25: That gown looks good on you. /Romeo.

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        I sat there in horror as Cordelia was hit in the face and her head smacked against the ground leaving only a sickening thud that bounced off the walls. There lay and unconscious Cordelia laying in the middle of the court. She looked almost like she was sleeping, she seemed so peaceful.

        Then blood started pouring from out of her nose. Her mouth slacked open and a small stream of red poured out of her mouth and down her cheek. It looked like a single red door streaming down her face. I sprinted across the gym and dropped down next to her, my eyes brimming with tears. I pressed to fingers to the side of her neck a slow but steady thump, thump, thump pounded against my fingers.

"She's alive!." I say bringing my ear close to her mouth remembering my training. "And breathing, somebody call 911!" I try to yell but my voice catches in my throat and it only comes out as an inaudible whisper.

" I already did." The lady next to me says reassuringly.

Cordelia started uncontrollably shaking. I looked to the woman next to me.

"She's having a seizure, help me get her on her side." I say dominantly.

Loud gasps erupt from the crowd and cries of "How can we stop it?"

"We can't stop it, she just has to ride it out." I announced. I did my best to hold her still as I smoothed her hair and whispered words of encouragement in her ear.

"You can do this Cordelia." I silently whisper in her ear. 

        It seems like hours before the paramedics arrive. They lift Cordelia onto a gurney, the flashing red white and blue lights go off in the distance as I sprint to my car and drive to Anna Grace Memorial Hospital. I rush inside the hospital screaming Cordelia's name as I run to the front desk. 

"Cordelia Wilson?" I ask breathlessly. The nurse looks at me knowingly.

"The volleyball girl?" The nurse asks. I nod. "Yeah I can't let you in there." She says.

"Why the hell not?" I scream. She takes a step back.

"Because I can tell you're not immediate family." She says sharply. I lean on her desk and put my face in my hands, silent tears slowly brim down my face. 

"Okay," the nurse leans in."I'm not supposed to say this, but Cordelia is gonna be fine. She had a bleed in her brain and that's why she had the seizure, she's in surgery now and she's gonna be fine." The nurse informs me. I lift my head.

"She's in surgery?" I ask, my eyes opening wide.

"It's a routine surgery, she'll be ready for volley ball again by next Wednesday. You can see her tomorrow." She says shooing me away.

        I trudge to my car and drive home in silence. I drag my body through the house and into my bedroom before climbing into my large, cold, and empty bed. I barely get any sleep and I toss and turn all night long.  I wake up around 7. I shower, brush my teeth and hair, and quickly rush into my car. 

         I walk in, the same nurse from yesterday is there. She dosn't even glance up at me before saying.

"North wing, room 209." She says.

        I nod and rush into the elevator. The numbers 214, 213, 212, and so on pass by me in a blur. I pass the room 209 and see a flash of Cordelia's brunette locks.

"Cordelia!" I shriek breathlessly.

"Romeo?" Her angelic voice squeaks back.

        I walk into the room and her petite body is rested against a mountain of pillows, her reddish brown hair is shockingly stunning against her now ghostly pale skin.

"Hey." I say meekly. "How are you?"

She laughs."I'm fine Romeo, but if you've brought a white horse to take me away from this wretched place I'd be happy to oblige and I shall be forever indebted to you."

"Sorry my dear I've yet to encounter a horse such as fine as the one you speak of in your fantasies." I say.

"Well crap." She says glumly. "I hate this stinking place and I don't get of of this giant white room until tomorrow!" She says throwing her hands up in mock defeat. The pink nail polish catches my eye, I take her hand in mine.

"Remember our first date?" I ask.

She laughs, "Romeo that was like a week ago." She says through laughs, it was nice to hear her laugh again.

"Yeah but you hit your head pretty hard." I say only half joking.

"Mew, mew." She says rolling her eyes. "Shouldn't you be in school?" 

"Thanksgiving break darling." I say giving her a large smile. "That's why I'm here, my mother would like you to join us for dinner on Saturday."

"Um, I know I hit my head but thanksgiving is next Thursday." She says giving me a look of pure stupidity.

"The maid has the week off." I state. "So Saturday is the best we can do."

She nods."Okay I'll be there. Dress code?" She asks.

"Dressy casual, as my mother put it." I say. "Would you like to accompany me for the day tomorrow?" I ask.

"Why, what are we doing?" She asks.

        I smile and kiss her forehead. She frowns and pulls on my shirt collar bringing my lips closer to hers. I smile and embrace the feel of her lips against mine. Her grip on my shirt tightens, I place my palm across her cheek, pressing my lips harder against hers so that they open large enough to give my tongue entrance. We sit there kissing like that for a few moments longer before I pull away from her warm embrace.

"Laser tag." I say breathless. "Bring a friend, I'll pick you both up from the hospital around noon." I wink and walk out before she can decline my invitation. 

"By the way!" I say popping my head into her room. "That hospital gown is a good look on you!" I say laughing.

        I walk through the halls with a large grin stapled across my face. I press my fingers to my lips.

                                                        "I could get used to that." I whisper quietly to myself.

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