Chapter 48

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Rory's Pov:

I realized after the fact, that I had been very stupid.

Tristian saw me, and gave me a confused look.

I waved shyly, but eventually Tristian made his way over to my table.

"Hey," I say faking a smile.

I pretended to be happy, so Tristian couldn't see the hurt he had caused me.

"How have you been?," Tristian asks.

"Great," I say enthustically.

"Me too," Tristian says smiling.

But we both kind of figured we were both lying.

Tristian didn't order any food, but did order a cup of coffee.

"Please keep them coming," Tristian says politely.

I had missed everything about him.

His protectiveness of me, his smile, and his teasing.

I just stared down at the table, there was a grain of salt wedged into the corner of the table, and I focused on that.

"I wanted to talk to you," I say slowly, into my cup of coffee.

"Why?." "It's over Rory," Tristian says sadly.

"But why?," I ask.

"Can we talk about something else?," Tristian asks harshly.

I blink slowly to hold back the tears.

Tristian had never spoken like that to me.

"This was a mistake I'm sorry," I mumble, and run out of the diner.

"Rory wait!," Tristian yells.

But I block him out.

I shouldn't have been so stupid.

What was wrong with me?

I ran as fast as I could, with my backpack banging wildly against my leg.

After awhile my legs became numb, and I started crying again.

I was lost, and I sat on the sidewalk, and was bawling my eyes out.

People passing looked at me funny, but I didn't care.

They probably thought I was just having an episode.

Everyone in my life had let me down.

Lorelai and Tristian.

If she had just accepted him, none of this would have ever happened.

Tristian and I would still be together.

My heart is broken, and I would need a hell of alot of glue, to stitch it back up.

Or maybe there was no repairing it.

Maybe I'll just be forever loveless.

I could be the cat lady.

That made me even sadder, and I stood up, to try to figure out where I was.

It had gotten dark, and I was in the sketchiest little town I had ever laid eyes on.

I needed to get out of here now.

Some guys at the corner looked me over, and laughed.

But I showed no fear, just kept walking face on the ground.

I think one of them might, have been following me.

But I was too scared to look.

Then I saw a street sign, three miles to Stars Hollow.

Looks like I was walking, which was fine by me.

I soon regretted that decision when, my legs started going numb.

I sat down on the sidewalk once again, and took a breather.

Five minutes, then you have to get home Rory.

I walked and walked, and soon Stars Hollow came into view.

The sign kind of gave it away.

I roll my eyes, and walk past Dooseys and Westons.

My feet were going numb, and I was about to collapse right there on the ground.

Lorelai would fine me eventually right?

Just a couple more blocks.

The house was in my vision, and I took a deep breath.

I was home.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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