Chapter 32

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Rory's Pov:

The next morning, I woke up at a decent time, and started putting all my clothes back into my closet.

Then I made my bed, something I never usually did.

I opened all my books, and decided to get my homework, and studying out of the way.

Two hours later, all of that was done, and I was bored.

I would go to Lane's but Mrs. Kim didn't let Lane have friends over on Sundays.

Mrs. Kim said it was The Lord's day.

Lorelai was at work.

Who did I have left?

Tristian, but he lived all the way in Hartford.

There was no way I could do that, unless I took the bus.

And I'm sure Lorelai wouldn't approve.

Not that she was hating on Tristian anymore, but she worried alot about me.

So what to do?

My stomach grumbled on cue, and I decided to go to Luke's before I did anything else.

Luke's was in the distance, and I opened the door eagerly.

I didn't know what I wanted though.

"What will you have Rory?," Luke asks.

He was alot nicer, when Lorelai wasn't with me, harassing Luke.

"Blueberry muffin and lots of coffee please," I say happily.

As I wait for my food, I watch the townspeople outside.

It was a very interesting little town.

And by interesting, I mean boring.

Not much went on here.

I sat alone, and kept refilling and refilling on coffee.

But I knew four cups was enough and I paid, and left.

I walked alone book in hand.

I always carried a book, you never know when you might need one.

I sat at the park, and watched everything around me.

There wasn't much to do, I had cleaned my room, and studied my butt off.

Literally I had no butt left.


I read and read.

I could read, and not be interrupted no matter what.

I was so concentrated, and barely noticed my surroundings.

I was just that focused.

Now what to do?

I was bored of reading, and had no other plans for the day.

Maybe I could travel to Hartford.

Too bad Tristian couldn't just pick me up.

Or even meet me somewhere.

Then I had an idea.

A stupid idea, but a idea never less.

I had the change from my breakfast, in my pocket.

I would take the bus to Hartford, and use the rest to call Tristian.

So he could either pick me up, or meet me somewhere.

I wasn't going to tell Lorelai, she would just disapprove.

I felt a little guilty, but it wasn't the first time I had lied to her.

It would be better if she didn't know, at least that's what I was trying to convince myself.

I walked to the bus stop, and got onto the bus.

The driver gave me a weird look, since I never took the bus on Sunday.

Oh well.

I was going to see Tristian, and my heartbeat quickened.

I was so happy, I was bouncing in my seat.

Bounce bounce.

The other people on the bus, probably thought I was having a fit.

Who cares?

Destination Hartford.

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