Chapter 17

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Rory's Pov:

I didn't know how I was going, to pull this off.

I was terrible at lying, especially to Lorelai.

Tristian has left, but I was still blushing.

I had to get my emotions in check, before I met up with Lorelai.

I walk to Luke's, and Lorelai smiles at me, as I sit down.

"I already ordered burgers with an extra side of greasy," Lorelai says, giggling to herself.

"Thanks it's exactly what I need today," I mumble quietly.

Even though Lorelai wasn't paying attention, and for once I was grateful.

We finished our food, and were walking in the direction of home.

"I need to stop at Lanes really quick," I blurt out.

Lorelai laughs, and ruffles my hair.

"Okay I'll meet you at home," Lorelai says, and takes the left to our house.

I walk into Kim's Antiques, and barely see Mrs. Kim.

"Lane isn't here," Mrs. Kim shouts.

"Oh I'm sorry." "Will she be back soon?," I ask quietly.

Mrs. Kim shakes her head, and heads into the other room.

That's when I make a break for it, and run along the sidewalk past the bookstore.

I run and run.

I needed to talk to someone about this, or my head was going to explode.

It's like Tristian was Romeo, and I was Juliet.

We were in a forbidden love relationship.

Except Lorelai wouldn't probably kill Tristian.

Then again if she was angry enough she might.

I kicked a couple of rocks along the way, and just thought.

Which I do a lot of.

I really liked Tristian, I wanted Lorelai to like him too.

If she didn't, there was no hope for us.

I sat on the bench, that a couple of hours earlier Tristian, and I had talked at.

It was amazing how fast time flies.

Tristian Tristian, I cant get him out of my head.

He was everything I thought about.

Every second of the day, I wanted to date him.

I skipped stones, and tried to stop being so stupid.

Then I realized Lorelai was probably worried about me, and I rushed home.

But when I got there, nobody was home.

Lorelai had written me a note.


I had to go the inn.

There was a problem.


See you tonight.


I sighed in relief, and was glad to have the house to myself.

Lorelai was going to find out, and tease me about it.

I didn't need that.

Then I played the voice mail.

A famaliar would, filled the air.

Rory it's Tristian.

I was wondering if you would like to go somewhere with me sometime.

Since we have kissed a couple of times I thought we should make it official.

I can't stop thinking about you and how cute you are.

I hope you are blushing as I say all this.

Okay I'll let you go.

Bye Rory.

I was blushing, and so happy at the same time.

I just couldn't let Lorelai hear this.

No way.

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