Chapter 12

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Rory's Pov:

Lorelai and I were going to go to the mall, and then watch a ton of movies.

Which meant we would spend a lot of money on pointless crap, and would eat a lot of junk food.

Lorelai was an impulse buyer.

The reason we have like twenty lamps in our living room.

We shopped until we dropped literally, and then we drove back to Stars Hollow.

"We got so much crap," I groan, buckling my seatbelt yawning.

"Yes but it was all worth it," Lorelai smiles evilly.

I roll my eyes, and Lorelai turns on the radio.

"So what are we getting Chinese or pizza?," I ask excitedly.

"Hmm well we had pizza last movie night," Lorelai says thoughtfully.

"True we should change it up." "Order Chinese this time," I say thoughtfully.

"You're so smart." "This is why you're going to Harvard," Lorelai teases.

I roll my eyes, and ignore Lorelai the rest of the way home.

"Okay plan I will get the Chinese." "You get the junk food," Lorelai demands.

"Sure whatever you say Lorelai," I joke, and walk into Doseys market once again.

I swear we come here almost everyday, not as frequently as Luke's though.

Every other weekend we are in here, buying junk food.

I grab Lorelai's favorite candy Red Vines, and a bunch of other crap.

All our favorite junk foods, and a few extras thrown in there.

I hand the cashier a twenty, and I'm lugging a couple of bags, back to my house.

Lorelai is just opening the Chinese, as I walk into the door, and drop everything on the kitchen floor.

"Wow you really went all out," Lorelai says in awe.

"Yep and I got you're favorite Red Vines," I say smiling.

"You're a god," Lorelai jokes, and we crack open the Chinese.

Soon after we are propped in front of the tv, watching Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.

It's one of our favorites.

I open a box of the Milk Duds, and take a couple in my hands.

Then I chew them slowly.

Lorelai is clapping her hands excitedly, at all the stupid parts.

I just laugh at her behavior, and throw a Milk Dud at her.

She punches me jokingly, and soon the movie ends.

A yawn escapes from me, and I can feel my eyelids getting droopy.

Problem is Lorelai already claimed the couch.

I was going to have to walk to my room.

It seemed so far away.

Come on feet work.

I walk slowly, with each step I feel myself getting more and more drowsy.

It's almost like I was in a dream.

Like I was floating, above everyone and everything.

Now I know I'm losing my mind.

I start laughing to myself, and sink into my bed.

I pull the covers over me, and turn off the lights.

I lay there for awhile, and dread going back to school on Monday.

I don't want to see Paris or Tristian.

I was going to have to suck it up.

This was the only way I was going to get into Harvard.

So suck it up Rory.

That last thought consumed me, and I fall asleep.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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