Chapter 13

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Rory's Pov:

Unfortunately it was Monday again.

Not that I was dreading going to school, and learning.

But because of Paris and Tristian.

They were just jerks, for no reason.

My alarm started blaring, and annoyed I hit it until, it shut up.

I put on my Chilton uniform, and walked slowly to the bus stop.

I took out my book to read on the way, and ignored everything around me.

Chilton came into view, and I put my book away.

I walked into Chilton, and went straight to my locker.

I was early as always to Mr. Medina's class, but Tristian was nowhere to be seen.

Not that I missed him, I was glad to be rid of his annoying nature.

The Mary joke was so old, come up with some better material for gods sake.

I took out Moby Dick, and started reading it again.

I was almost finished with it.

After I was done with it, I didn't know what I would read next.

I was daydreaming, and I should have been paying attention.

And then I heard his voice.

"Hey Mary," Tristian says.

I don't even need to look, to know he's smirking.

That's all he says, and takes his seat.

Mr. Medina collects our reports, and starts talking about Shakespeare.

We take notes, and discuss a couple of novels we will be reading.

It was very interesting, and I was intrigued.

Unfortunately the bell had to ring, and I had to go to my next boring class.

I go to my locker, and put my books in.

Then I head off to my next class.

As I'm walking in the hallway I hear Paris, talking to her two friends.

Madeline and Louise.

"Yeah I can't believe he asked me to the formal," Paris says dreamily.

I can tell she is excited, all I ever see from her is hatred.

"Who asked you?," Madeleine asks curiously.

This was sure to be gossip throughout the school soon.

"Tristian Dugray," Paris smiles.

"Lucky," Louise says enviously.

I stop listening and quickly walk to my next class.

Paris bumps into me, as we walk into class.

"Watch where you're going," Paris says angrily.

I just choose to ignore her, and take my seat.

The teacher starts talking about the Anatomy of the frog, and explains that we will be dissecting a frog next week.

My stomach starts getting queasy, just thinking about it.

Thankfully the conversation doesn't go on for long, and I'm relieved when the class is over.

I don't know how I was going to do that.

The bell rings, and I go to my locker, and shove everything in my backpack.

I'm not quick enough apparently, because Tristian spots me, but he isn't looking for me.

He's looking for Paris.

So the rumors were true, he was taking Paris to the formal.

I don't know why I cared.

I don't care, what am I saying.

But I knew something.

I was going to go, just to see the drama unfold.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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