Chapter 42

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Rory's Pov:

"Rory come into the living room please," Lorelai shouts.

I got up unwillingily, and walked in slowly.

"I'm going out with Max." "I'm leaving money on the table," Lorelai explains, kissing me gently on the forehead.

"Okay thanks," I say, forcing a smile.

Lorelai smiles, and leaves alone.

I like my alone time, sometimes anyways.

Lane was the only friend I had, other than Tristian and Lorelai.

Maybe I was a freak, or a loner.

That's why Paris picked on me.

I guess we'll never know.

I picked up the phone, and ordered Greek food.

Lorelai and I rarely ever ate it.

I liked it more than Lorelai.

She complained, it tasted funny.

Oh well I was ordering it.

I ordered the food, and decided to bring my books, out to the dining room.

So I could do homework, while I waited.

I had missed some schoolwork, because of the incident with Paris.

I couldn't afford to fall behind.

The doorbell rings, and I know it can't be the food already.

But I'm curious so I walk over towards the door anyways, and see it's Tristian.

I smile with glee, and open the door.

"What are you doing here?," I ask surprised.

"I wanted to see you." "I missed you," Tristian explains, hugging me.

I felt something poke me in the back.

"What are you hiding?," I ask curiously.

"A present for you," Tristian smiles, and starts blushing as, he hands it to me.

"Aw flowers thanks," I say blushing also, and go to put them in a vase.

But Tristian takes me by surprise, and pulls me in for a kiss.

I eagerly kiss Tristian back, after not seeing him all day at school.

"Hang on Rory." "I need to ask you something," Tristian says, pulling away from me.

"What's up Tristian?," I ask slightly hurt, he pulled away.

"Don't be sad Rory." "I heard at school today that Paris dumped he food on you," Tristian says, sitting next to me on the couch.

Despite my best efforts, I start crying.

Tristian immediately pulls me in for a hug, and holds me next to him.

"Hey don't cry Paris is just a jealous bitch," Tristian says, soothing me, and kissing me on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Tristian." "Can't help it," I mumble, drying my tears.

There's a knock at the door, and there is a delivery man standing there.

"Oh that's the food Tristian." "Hang on Lorelai left money," I yell out to Tristian, and I run into the kitchen, to grab it.

But Tristian is already walking back into the kitchen, with the food.

"Did you pay for the food?," I ask shocked at him.

"Maybe," Tristian says smirking.

I want to say thanks, but the words get stuck.

"You didn't need to pay," I mumble slowly, and turn around to grab plates, and silverware.

"Well I wanted to so tough," Tristian smiles.

I can't help it, I end up smiling too.

Tristian sits down, and we both dig into the food.

I was starving I hadn't eaten hardly at all, all day.

"Dam slow down babe," Tristian says in shock.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly, blushing.

I put my plate in the sink, and Tristian and I settle on the couch to watch a movie.

I pull out my favorite movie, and Tristian groans.

I stick out my tongue, and put the movie in.

Tristian puts his arm around me, and we cuddle watching the movie.

It's very nice.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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