Chapter 45

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Rory's Pov:

I feel myself, being carried by Tristian.

I try to find my voice, but I go mute.

I can't remember what happened, we were sitting and laughing.

Then Tristian said something shocking, and I almost faint again.

Tristian had told me he loved me, and I fainted like an idiot.

He's probably so pissed at me.

Tristian sets me gently in the passenger seat, and hands me a water bottle.

"You okay?," Tristian asks, concern in his eyes, but I see something else hurt.

I had hurt Tristian, I hadn't meant to.

"Yeah I'm fine," I mumble, not looking at Tristian.

He starts the car, and doesn't look at me the whole ride.

The ride was silent, and it was killing me.

Tristian had a right to be mad, but I didn't know what to say.

I wasn't ready to say that to Tristian just yet.

Tristian pulls up to my house, and I look over at him finally.

"Tristian I'm sorry," I apologize timidly.

"Great Rory what do you want me to say?," Tristian asks, anger evident in his voice.

"I don't know," I say stupidly.

"That's great." "I say I love you and you don't know what to say," Tristian mumbles.

"I'm sorry," I say again.

"Sorry doesn't fix it." "Just go Rory," Tristian says, opening the door for me.

I step out of the car, and stare at Tristian.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." "I just need time," I mumble.

Tristian just looked at me, with sad eyes.

"Rory you really hurt me." "I'm sorry I'm breaking up with you," Tristian says, leaving me in a circle of gravel, and dust.

I blink twice, to make sure Tristian is actually gone.

My brain can't comprehend what just happened.

How had the day been so perfect a matter of hours ago?

And now all of that was destroyed.

My whole body goes numb, and I walk slowly into the house.

Thank god Lorelai isn't home, she would be thrilled.

I didn't feel like discussing this with her, at the moment.

I kick off my shoes, and collapse on my bed.

Then the tears start flowing.

I cry and cry.

This was all my fault, why couldn't I say I love you.

It was just a little word, with alot of baggage along with it.

I can't believe how pathetic I was being.

Oh well one way to cope right.

I grabbed the huge carton of ice cream out of the freezer, and all the candy Tristian and I had bought.

I started eating the ice cream one spoonful, after another.

I put on my comfiest robe, and sat down remote in hand.

All I did was watch tv, and eat junk all day.

It was refreshing, but sad.

I wondered if Tristian was doing the same thing, probably not.

That made me feel even worse, if that was possible.

After all the junk was gone, and I had exhausted all my trash tv watching, I just laid in my bed.

I fell asleep soon after, but woke up almost every hour.

My eyes were red and puffy, and my heart was completely shattered.

My hair was a messy knot, and I couldn't care less.

All I could think about was Tristian, and his beautiful smile.

Tristian Dugray.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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