Chapter 6

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Rory's Pov:

After Master Charleston was going over rules and expectations, I was left to find my first class of the day.

There were many hallways, and many different staircases to take.

It was confusing, and I was completely lost.

Just my luck, not a student in sight.

I guess I would have to figure it out for myself.

My first class, was with a teacher named Mr. Medina.

I saw a door number, and saw Mr. Medina in the classroom.

This was sure to be awkward.

Class had already started, and I was late.

I Rory Gilmore, was never late for anything.

This was a first.

The whispers only started again, when I walked into the classroom.

"May I help you?," Mr. Medina asks, smiling.

"I'm Rory Gilmore," I smile shyly.

"Class we have a new student Rory Gilmore," Mr. Medina says.

I take my seat in the middle of the classroom, and hear boys behind me whispering.

"Oh Mary," One says loudly.

I turn around, and am met with the cockiest boy I've ever seen.

"The name is Rory," I say loudly back, and turn back around, trying to focus on Mr. Medina.

That boy had no right, he was annoying, and I'm sure we weren't going to be friends.

I later learned that his name was Tristian Dugray, when Mr. Medina called on him to answer a question.

I already knew I hated him, I didn't hate most people, he just rubbed me the wrong way.

The bell rang, and finally my first class of the day was over.

Now to find my locker.

It was down the hallway from Mr. Medina's class, but the stupid lock was stuck.

I pulled and pulled, until it came loose.

It came loose, and I accidentally bumped into a girl, who was walking past.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," I apologize.

The project she was carrying crumbled to the floor, and was ruined.

"Get away from me," She says, glaring at me, and walks into the classroom.

I shove my books in my locker, and follow behind her.

The class was the next class I have, and the girl glares at me.

During class I try to write her a note to apologize, but she just crumples it.

The the teacher calls on Paris, and she stands up.

"Do you have you're project?," The teacher asks sternly.

"No Mam I don't," Paris says, sending me a death glare.

I knew I shouldn't open my mouth.

Seeing as volunteering to help her, was just going to cause me more trouble.

But I had to do something.

It was my fault, her project was wrecked.

I was so going to regret this.

"Please Mam I ruined Paris's project I will fix it," I blurt out.

"No I don't want you're help," Paris grumbles angrily.

"I don't mind doing it," I say back.

"Enough." "Mrs. Gellgher you have until tomorrow to finish the project," She says sternly.

We both sit down, and I stare down at my notebook.

This was going to be a long year.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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