Chapter 1

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Rory's Pov:

I've always been smart, and liked to read.

Ever since I was little.

My Mom and I strive for me to be accepted, into a private school called Chilton.

Then Harvard, but more about that later.

School had just finished, and my best friend Lane Kim, and I were walking home from school.

We were talking like always, about anything, and everything.

I always at the end of the day, bought some kind of junk food from the vending machine, and shared with Lane.

"Thanks Rory you're a lifesaver," Lane says happily, biting into a half of a a Twix bar.

"No problem," I say.

"Yeah my Mom is on this no carb or fat diet only soy," Lane explains sadly.

"Ugh well good luck with that," I say, trying to hide my disgust for my friends benefit.

"Well see you tomorrow," Lane says, as we walk up to her Moms store.

"Okay see you," I smile, and wave to her.

I walked past my house, and saw My Mom wasnt home yet.

She runs the Independence Inn, and usually works sort of late.

It's only a block away from my house, so I walk there to go look for her.

Sure enough as soon as I walk in, she is standing at the front desk.

She smiles as I walk over, and tries to hide her excitement.

"You look happy," I comment, teasing her.

"I have good news," She says dragging me into the kitchen.

Sooki waves, as I'm shoved into a chair.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?," I ask confused, which I usually never am.

"You're going to Chilton," Mom says smiling, and I can see she's almost crying.

"No way your joking," I say in shock.

"You are starting Monday," She says, and I run over to hug her.

"I'm so excited," I say happily.

"I'm happy for you sweetie," Mom says, and hugs me back tightly.

I tell her I have to go home to do my homework, and she says she will be home in an hour.

I run home almost skipping, and nearly fall over in the snow.

It was very slippery.

But I don't care.

It was like I was in a dream.

I open my books, and set them down on the kitchen table.

But first I order the pizza, like every other night.

It's a daily tradition, that and Luke's.

Then I start on my homework.

When Mom gets home I'm done with homework, and the pizza was supposed to come in five minutes.

"Ready to see how many pieces of pizza we can eat?," Lorelai says, with a challenging look on her face.

"Is that a challenge I hear?," I ask, and the doorbell rings.

I go to it, and grab the pizza, and pay.

Then we sit down, and Mom, and I go at it.

Twenty minutes later, we are laying on the couch, completely stuffed.

"Why did we do that?," Mom groans clutching her stomach.

"It sounded like a good idea in the moment," I say, also clutching my stomach.

Then the phone rings, and neither of us want to get up to get it.

"Mom," I groan.

"Rory," My Mom complains, but gets up to answer the phone.

I hear My Mom answer, and am standing in the kitchen, she is in the living room.

"No please don't give away her spot." "I'll figure it out," My Mom says, and sits down on the couch with her hands in her head.

I couldn't lose my chance to go to Chilton.

I would find a way.

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