Chapter 10

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Rory's Pov:

I walked into Luke's, and sat at our usual table.

Lorelai was stabbing her burger with a knife.

"What's wrong?," I ask, gently removing the weapon of choice away from her.

"Luke and I had a fight," Lorelai says sighing.

"What about?," I ask slowly, taking some of her fries.

Lorelai doesn't say a word, that's how I know she's distracted.

"That boy that dropped you off the other day," Lorelai says slowly.

Realization comes over me, and I almost choke on the fries in my mouth.

"This is all my fault," I mumble, managing to catch my breath, and throwing my napkin down in frustration.

"Wanna get out of here?," Lorelai asks, leaving the money on the table.

"Yes let's," I agree, and we leave Luke's Diner.

We walk back to our house, and I realize I have a mountain of homework to finish.

"I'll see you in the morning," Lorelai says yawning.

"Okay night Mom," I say, hugging her.

Lorelai hugs me back tightly, and goes up to bed.

I go into my room, and close the door.

The fight between Luke and Lorelai was all my fault.

I should have never accepted a ride, from Tristian.

I'm so stupid.

He probably doesn't even like me, I was just a game to him.

So what's his deal?

I need to know, it was making me crazy.

Even after to distract myself I did all my homework, and extra I was still thinking about the Tristian situation.

What was I talking about?

There was no Tristian situation.

I sigh to myself, and turn off my light.

I fall into a peaceful sleep, and it's interrupted by my annoying alarm.

I should really get a new alarm.

A less annoying one.

"Rory wake up," Lorelai complains.

"Fine im up," I mumble, and go into my closet to put on my uniform.

Lorelai leaves before me, and goes to the Inn.

I walk the block to the bus stop, and pull out my book to read along the way.

The bus pulls up to Chilton, and I sigh to myself.

"Here we go," I mumble to myself, hoping nobody heard me.

I go to my locker, and shove all my books into my backpack.

Then I walk into Mr. Medina's class, a couple of minutes early.

I pull out my book, and continue to read.

Until the annoyance in the back of my head, comes just to bug me.

"My favorite person in the world Mary," Tristian jokes.

"Leave me alone," I say rolling my eyes.

This boy was annoyingly persistent.

"But you're my favorite person." "I can't just leave you alone," Tristian points out.

I just stare back down at my book.

"Come on Mary don't ignore me," Tristian begs.

And I almost look up.

Emphasis on almost.

I keep ignoring him, but he still doesn't get it.

"Tristian please class is about to start." "I don't have time for this," I mumble, shuffling though my papers.

"Fine we'll talk after class Mary," Tristian says winking.

"Great just great," I think sarcastically to myself.

Now I have no choice but to talk to him.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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