Chapter 22

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Rory's Pov:

The next morning I woke up, and got dressed into my Chilton uniform.

"Morning kid," Lorelai says smiling.

"Morning," I say happily.

"I want to hear all about your date later ", Lorelai says sternly.

"I'll see what I can do," I say sarcastically.

I walk to the bus stop, book in hand.

I was almost done with Moby Dick.

I was on the last couple of chapters.

I could read one of the books, Tristian had bought for me.

Tristian I had to explain, I just had to.

I went to my locker, and got my books out.

Then I walked into Mr. Medina's class.

I was early, I was always early.

Tristian walks in that moment, and I decide it's just better for me to ignore him.

I'll talk to him later, after school.

He looks hurt, but I knew what I was doing.

We had moved onto a new story Hamlet.

It was very interesting, and I was very excited to read it.

I think I was the only one.

Tristian kept throwing notes at me, but I just focused on Mr. Medina.

Then to my relief, class ended.

I was usually disappointed, this was different.

Today was going to be difficult, seeing as how Tristian was also in my next class too.

With Paris, I sighed to myself, and decided to just suck it up.

Paris hasn't spoken to me in weeks, so I was shocked, when she tapped my shoulder, and started talking to me.

"So I heard about you and Tristian," Paris says sneering.

"Yeah we went on a date," I say slowly.

"Yeah well Tristian and I used to date." "He's just using you to make me jealous," Paris says angrily, and turns back to her notes.

My face crumples, and I feel like I'm choking.

I always knew Tristian was too good for me.

I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense.

I don't remember the rest of class, all I knew is I had to get out of there.

Lunch came, and I just picked at it.

I was just too nervous to eat, I still had to talk to Tristian.

Finally, it was the end of the day.

I grabbed all the books I would need, and rushed outside to sit, on a bench to wait for Tristian.

But then I saw Tristian and Paris pulled him to her.

They were arguing, and I think Paris might have slapped Tristian.

I wasn't sure, I wasn't trying to pay attention.

I think Tristian saw me, and tried to walk over to me.

But Paris pulled him back, and then pressed her lips to his.

Paris saw me looking, and knew exactly what she had done.

My heart shattered into a million pieces, and I was running away from Chilton, to the bus stop.

I could hear someone running behind me, but I didn't look behind me, to see if it was Tristian.

I couldn't look at him, right at this second.

I felt like a gigantic idiot.

Well from now on, I would protect my heart better.

And I would have nothing more to do with Tristian Dugray.

I would put him out of my mind, once for all.

Goodbye Tristian.

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