Chapter 2

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Rory's Pov:

I had to do something, I was going to miss my opportunity to go to Chilton.

I couldn't let that happen.

I had to try to convince Mom that, this was the only way.

This wasn't going to be easy, for sure she was going to argue like a child, but I was going to win.

Mom and I were sitting down at Luke's, and she immediately looked over at me.

"Sweetie what's on you're mind?," Lorelai asks.

I'm not allowed to call her, that to her face.

"Nothing," I say, chickening out.

But time was running out, and I had to fix this.

"I was wondering if you had talked to Grandma and Grandpa recently?," I ask softly.

Of course Lorelai looked like, I predicted, shocked.

"No why?," Lorelai asks curiously.

"I have a proposition but you have to hear me out," I warn her.

"Okay I'm listening," Lorelai says smiling.

After I'm done, Lorelai says nothing.

"So what do you think?," I ask anxiously.

"Rory sweetie I've been estranged from them for awhile." "I don't think that would go over so well," Lorelai explains.

"Well we have to try." "This is my only shot at going to Chilton," I explain getting angry.

It was like she wasn't even willing to try.

"Fine fine Grump I'll talk to them," Lorelai teases, promising me.

"Thank you Mom," I say happily, taking a sip of my coffee.

My Mom, and I had a slight coffee addiction.

We ordered our usual order, and talked.

Then we paid, and left.

We were walking home, when we got an idea, to get ice cream.

"Mom we just ate," I groan, giggling.

"Come on Rory," Lorelai begs, with those puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes, at her childish behavior.

Twenty minutes later we walk out, with a bunch of junk food.

We were impulse buyers, more so my Mom.

We head down the familiar walkways of Stars Hollow, and finally walk up to our house.

I can barely unlock the door, but I run in, and drop everything onto the kitchen table.

"We should never be allowed to be near sweets," Lorelai declares, plopping down into the chair.

"Agreed." "The cashiers must have been crazy," I say, laughing with my Mom.

She was like my best friend, next to Lane.

"Let's put all this away," I suggest, shoving an ice cream carton into the freezer.

"I don't wanna," Lorelai complains.

"I'll give you a Red Vine," I say, holding it in front of her.

"Okay fine," Lorelai says, taking the Red Vine in her hand.

Soon after I start to feel tired, and stumble to my room.

My head hits the pillow, and I'm out like a light.

The next morning I wake up, and make Lorelai get up.

"We have to go to Hartford," I say, as I make the coffee.

"Why?," Lorelai whines.

"You know why," I mutter,

Five minutes later were in the car, and on our way to Hartford.

We pull up to a huge house, and I take a deep breath.

"Wait in the car Rory," Lorelai instructs.

Lorelai walks up to the door, and rings the bell.

Then the door opens.

"Lorelai," A surprised voice says.

"Hi Mom," Lorelai says.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a good day.

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