Chapter 43

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Rory's Pov:

I wake up, with Tristian draped across me.

We had fallen asleep on the couch, but Tristian was very comfy.

I get up, and stretch.

There's a voice message on the phone, so I listen to it.

"Hey Rory it's Mom."

"I'm staying over Max's."

"I'll be back tomorrow."

I sigh in relief, because Tristian had slept over.

Lorelai would have flipped her shit, which I totally don't get.

It's not like we would be doing anything.

My stomach growled to my extreme embarrassment, but luckily Tristian wasn't up yet.

There wasn't much in the cupboards.

The fridge held a couple bottles of water, and some condiments.

That was about it, and I was starving.

I went and laid back down on the couch, next to Tristian.

Slowly he started waking up, and smiled at me.

"Good morning beautiful," Tristian says, kissing me on the cheek.

"Morning," I say, blushing at the fact, that he called me beautiful.

"You're blushing," Tristian points out.

"Shut up I'm starving," I say, playfully slapping his hand away.

"Me too." "Guessing Lorelai doesn't have any food," Tristian laughs.

"Yeah but I know a place we can go," I exclaim excitedly.

"Where?," Tristian asks, confused by my bizarre behavior.

"You'll see," I say mischievously, as I pull on my coat, and shoes.

Tristian follows behind me closely, and holds my hand.

We walk up to Luke's and I open the door.

Luke looks up as I walk in with Tristian.

"What can I get you Rory?," Luke asks, with the hint of a smile on his face.

"Bacon and lots of coffee," I say politely.

"How about you?," Luke asks directing his question towards Tristian.

"The same please," Tristian says flustered, by Luke.

Which I giggle at, and Tristian glares at me.

"Sorry it was funny." "Luke doesn't bite," I whisper.

"Could have fooled me," Tristian whispers back.

This was nice not worrying, just eating breakfast together.

"This is nice," Tristian smiles.

He read my mind, and we talked as we waited for our food.

Luke sets our plates down in front of us, and I immediately take a piece of bacon.

I take a huge gulp of coffee, while chewing.

"You have a problem," Tristian teases.

"No I don't," I mumble, sticking out my tongue.

We down two plates of bacon, and two cups of coffee each.

"Ready to leave?," Tristian asks, jumping down from the chair.

"Yes," I say putting some money down on the counter.

Tristian looks shocked, I did it that quickly.

We walk around town just wandering.

"What should we do Rory?," Tristian asks, hugging me tightly to his side.

"I don't know let's buy a ton of junk food and pig out," I suggest, an excited gleam in my eyes.

"Okay let's do it," Tristian agrees.

We walk into Doosey's Market, and find all the sugary things we can.

Tristian piles them into the basket, and I just start laughing hysterically.

Tristian just looks very amused.

Tristian wouldn't let me pay, and I roll my eyes at his behavior.

We head back to my house, and I am carrying one of the bags.

I open the house door, and go to set the bag on the kitchen table.

But I jump, and drop it on the ground.

Lorelai is sitting at the kitchen table, staring at me.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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