Chapter 36

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Rory's Pov:

I was beyond pissed, and I don't get mad very often.

"What happened?," I ask even more angry, repeating myself.

"Rory it's nothing," Tristian assures me, trying t take my hand.

He was lying, I could just tell.

"Tell me the truth Tristian," I demand.

"Fine I got into a fight," Tristian explains, flexing his good hand.

"About?," I question further.

"You." "One of those jockey guys called you a slut," Tristian explains quietly.

"So you punched him?," I ask in shock.

"Yeah I did." "We both got sent to the Headmaster's office," Tristian says awkwardly.

"Oh Tristian did you get in trouble?," I ask sadly.

This was all my fault.

"We both got suspended for three days," Tristian says bitterly.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

"It isn't your fault." "Besides it was so worth it," Tristian snickers, taking my hand.

"I would have loved to be there," I tease.

I was totally being sarcastic, I hated confrontation, and blood.

Tristian and I just talk, the rest of Lunch.

I promised to meet him after school, and Tristian gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I smiled, and immediately started blushing.

The bell rings, which means afternoon classes.

Boring Boring, and did I mention boring?

Finally the day was over.

Time to meet Tristian.

I shoved all my books in my bag, in a hurry to meet Tristian.

Some fell out, and as I bent down to pick them up a guy picked up one of them.

"Here you go," He says smirking.

I didn't say anything he was creeping me out.

"By the way tell Tristian he's lucky to be hooking up with a whore like you," He sneers.

I grab my book back, and run to find Tristian.

He's sitting at the benches.

"Rory what's wrong?," Tristian asks concerned.

I can't find the words, I'm already crying.

Once I calmed down I was able to tell Tristian, what had happened.

"The guy you fought called me names," I explain, cuddling onto Tristian.

His eyes turned very angry, and he looked like he was going to punch someone.

"What did he say?," Tristian asks angrily.

"Doesn't matter," I mumble shyly.

"Yes it does Rory please tell me," Tristian begs.

"He said you were lucky to be hooking up with a whore," I mumble pathetically, about to cry again.

"I'm going to punch him again," Tristian promises, standing up.

"Please don't." "Leave it alone Tristian please," I beg.

"Fine only for you," Tristian smiles, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

We walk hand in hand, until we get to the bus.

"Wanna ride home with me?," Tristian asks hopefully.

"Maybe another time," I say smiling.

"By the way my parents want to meet you tomorrow," Tristian says quickly.

"Tristian how could you just tell me about this today?," I ask, internally panicking.

"Don't worry they will love you," Tristian says, smirking.

I roll my eyes, and focus on my book, as it takes me back to Stars Hollow.

I walk home, and Lorelai is standing there.

"Emily wants us to come over tomorrow," Lorelai announces, as soon as I get in the door.

"Oh for what?," I ask curiously.

This was awkward, seeing as how we haven't spoke in a week.

"Grandpa's going on a trip," Lorelai explains, leaving the room.

I slide down onto the couch, completely defeated.

I had two options.

Tristian or Lorelai.

This was going to be tough.

Why me?

Another chapter. Keep reading. Thanks for reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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