Chapter 16

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Rory's Pov:

I just froze, and couldn't form words.

"Did you follow me?," I ask angrily.

"I did but I thought we should talk about what happened," Tristian explains, getting closer to me.

"There's nothing to talk about," I say defiantly, getting off of the swing.

"Rory come on," Tristian begs.

I didn't want to fall into his trap, but I did anyways.

"Fine Tristian," I mumble.

Tristian looks happy, and gestures for me to sit.

"So," Tristian says awkwardly.

"I just want to know one thing." "Was this just a prank or a dare?," I ask, trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

Tristian looks at me in shock.

"No of course not Rory." "Why would I do that to you?," Tristian says, taking my hand.

His hand was warm, and of course mine were cold.

His hand warmed my hand.

"I don't know," I say stupidly blushing.

"I kissed you because I like you," Tristian explains, blushing shyly.

"Oh," I blush also, and stare down at the ground.

What an idiot I was.

"So the real question is do you like me too?," Tristian smiles cockily, like he knows I'm going to say yes.

"No," I say seriously.

Tristians face crumples, and he looks devastated.

I start laughing, and Tristian rolls his eyes.

"I do like you," I whisper, not sure he even heard me.

"I'm glad you do," Tristian says smiling.

We don't say another word, and Tristian just stares at the park.

I had my book in hand, and started reading.

I hope Tristian didn't think I was rude.

"What are you reading?," Tristian asks curiously.

"Moby Dick," I mumble, staring back at the book.

"That's a pretty good book," Tristian says, smiling.

"You've read it?," I ask shocked.

"Yeah don't look so shocked." "I'm not at Chilton just for my charm and rich Dad," Tristian says, looking angry.

"Sorry I didn't mean anything by it," I apologize.

"I know I'm kidding," Tristian snickers.

I pretend to punch him in the arm, but he dodges it, and pulls me close to him instead.

"Let go," I demand, trying to be serious.

"Never," Tristian chants.

We joke, and laugh for awhile.

Then I realize what time it is.

"Crap I'm late," I mumble, getting up from the bench.

"For?," Tristian asks.

"Meeting Lorelai at Luke's." "Sorry but I have to go," I say apologetically, as I run through the park, to the main gazebo of Stars Hollow.

"It's okay." "But you forgot one thing," Tristian yells behind me.

"What?," I ask frantically, combing my pockets.

"This," Tristian says his eyes sparkling.

He leans in, and kisses me right on the lips.

I stop, and kiss him back.

He is so gentle, and his lips fit perfectly to mine.

It's like it was meant to be.

Tristian pulls away smirking, and hugs me.

"See you at school," Tristian says, obviously pleased with himself.

"See you," I say, smiling.

Now I knew what Sara Barielles was talking about.

I just hoped Lorelai saw me.

I just wasn't ready to share that with her yet, so I would hide it from her.

Which I hated doing.

This was going to be hard.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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