Chapter 24

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Rory's Pov:

It was even more romantic, than I thought it would be.

Tristian smiles goofily at me, and says he has to go.

I smile back, and walk back into Luke's with Lorelai gaping at me.

Everyone was staring, even Luke.

I ate my food in silence, and drank the huge cup of coffee.

Lorelai didn't say a word to me, until we got home.

"Rory what the hell was that?!," Lorelai asks, yelling.

I haven't heard Lorelai yell often.

This must be serious.

"I don't understand why you're mad," I say, calmly.

Lorelai turned around, and looked at me.

I sat down on the couch, and just stared.

"You can't just kiss a boy in front of everyone," Lorelai says, rolling her eyes.

"That's rich coming from you," I say angrily.

Immediately after I said it, I felt guilty.

Lorelai looked hurt, and went upstairs to her room.

She was being paranoid, I wasn't going to do anything stupid.

I wasn't her, everyone needed to realize that.

I was my own person.

I am Rory, not Lorelai.

I stormed out of the house, and walked to the bench in the park, to read.

I had finally finished Moby Dick, and started on another novel Tristian had bought me.

I read a couple pages, and couldn't concentrate on the words.

I knew I had been a jerk, and had to apologize to Lorelai.

But she had to stop worrying.

All Tristian and I had done was kiss.

I set my book aside, to angry to read.

That was a first.

She was just mad, I would ruin my reputation.

Good girl gone bad, which was ridiculous.

Just because I have a boyfriend, and also the fact, that the whole town was watching Tristian.

That probably scared Lorelai too.

She needed to get over it, jeez that was harsh.

I saw a bird fly into the sky, and the sunset was beautiful.

I watched the sun set, and decided that I better get home, before Lorelai tries to ground me.

She has never done that.

I walk home book in hand, and all the townspeople stare.

They whisper, and I try to not let it get to me.

They all just worry about me, just like Lorelai.

The lights are out in Lorelai's room.

She must already be asleep.

I kick off my shoes, and get into bed.

I dream about Tristian what else?

The next morning, I get up, and get ready for school.

Lorelai doesn't say a word to me.

I roll my eyes at her childish behavior, and hurry to catch the bus.

I smooth my hair, as I'm reading my book.

I was eager to see Tristian, which was kind of stupid.

I walked to my locker, to get my books, and hurried off to Mr. Medina's class.

Tristian was already in there, and it looked like he had been waiting.

"Hey," Tristian says smiling.

"Hey," I say shyly.

That's all we get out before the bell rings, and Mr. Medina starts class.

I blush, and focus on what Mr. Medina is saying.

Or try to, something or someone is distrcating me.

And it isn't Tristian.

These guys are whispering about me, and I can't make out what they are saying.

I just know it isn't good.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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