Chapter 25

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Rory's Pov:

I knew Paris, had to be behind this.

She was jealous her plan to get Tristian back, had failed.

So now she was going to start rumors about me.

What a dunce.

I can't believe she was so smart, yet so dumb at the same time.

Tristian tried to talk to me after Mr. Medina's class, but instead I cornered the guys behind me.

"Hey what were you saying in class?," I ask innocently.

The guys stare at me, debating on wether to tell me.

"Just some rumors going around school," One of them responds.

"Like what?," I ask curiously.

"Like you got into Chilton because of your Mom sleeping with Headmaster Charleston." "And that you gave Tristian oral on the first date," One of the guys explain.

I am beyond pissed, and the guys look at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry Rory Paris can be such a bitch." "We don't belive the rumors," He says.

"Thanks," I say, and walk away.

I slam my books into my locker, and head to my next class.

I was really going to have to restrain myself, from punching Paris in her stupid face.

I hated her, and I never hated anyone.

She had crossed the line.

She was telling the whole school, that I was a slut.

Iv'e barely even kissed Tristian, and I was fuming.

Of course the next class I had, was with Paris.

To me her ponytails, looked like devil horns.

She smirked at me, as I sit down.

Paris wasn't dumb, she knew exactly what she was doing.

Messing with my reputation, and my head.

Point one for Paris.

Zero for Rory.

Don't worry I'll settle the score, I will win the war.

I just smirked to myself, Paris started this I would finish this.

Class went on, as usual.

I barely payed attention, and I could feel Tristian's worried look.

After class, it was time for me to go to my locker again.

I go to open it, and the inside of it, and the outside have ugly words written on them.




I slam my locker quickly, and start running to the bathroom.

Tristian sees my tears, and follows me.

I make it right outside of the bathroom, before I collapse on the floor.

"Its okay," Tristian says, letting me lean on his shoulder.

I soak his shirt, with my tears.

Why was Paris doing this to me?

Why does she hate me so much?

"Sorry I ruined your shirt," I apologize, wiping my eyes.

"I don't care about the shirt I care about you," Tristian smiles, hugging me tightly.

I start blushing, and take a deep breath.

"I've got an idea," Tristian says michieviously.

"What?," I ask curiously.

"Let's ditch the rest of the day," Tristian smiles, and takes my hand.

"Ditch?," I ask nervously.

I had never ditched school, not even when I was throwing up.

I still went, and puked all over Ralphy Robinson.

Fond memories.

Still I had never done this.

Should I, or shouldn't I?

"Come on Rory." "What are you chicken?," Tristian asks teasing me.

I roll my eyes as Tristian starts flapping his wings, and making chicken noises.

"Fine let's ditch,"I agree.

I was so going to regret this.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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