Chapter 21

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Rory's Pov:

The next morning, I woke up, with a lovesick smile on my face.

Lorelai works early on Sundays, so she was already gone.

I was bursting with not being able to tell anyone.

But then I realized I can tell Lane.

That was the first person I should tell.

She is my best friend after all.

I pull on my coat, and walk to Kim's Antiques.

"Lane where are you?," I ask.

"KItchen!," Lane yells.

"Left or right?," I ask.

"My left your right!," Lane yells.

"Okay gotchu," I say back, and find Lane sitting at the kitchen table.

"What brings you here so early?," Lane asks curiously.

"I went on a date with Tristian," I say queitly, hoping Mrs. Kim won't hear.

"Oh my gosh," Lane squeals excitedly.

"I know it was perfect," I say.

"Perfect that's all I get," Lane says sounding disappointed.

"He took me to the bookstore and to the beach." "We had a little picnic," I whisper, smiling in spite of myself.

"It sounds perfect," Lane says enviously.

"Yeah well I'll call you later." "I have homework," I say sadly, hugging Lane tightly.

"Talk to you later," Lane says, hugging me back.

Then I am walking past everything in Stars Hollow.

But my stomach is growling, and I decide to stop at Luke's for breakfast, and coffee.

Those two things are the only thing, that you can start your morning with.

Luke makes the best french toast.

The bell dings, as I walk in, and sit at Lorelai's and our table.

"What will it be this morning Rory?," Luke asks.

Luke was slightly nicer to me, than Lorelai.

"French toast and coffee to go please," I say sweetly.

"It will be out soon," Luke says, and pours me some coffee, while I wait.

I sip the coffee, while I wait for the french toast.

Then I notice someone walking in the street, and realize it's Tristian.

He's carrying daises, and I try not to stare at him.

But he's just so perfect.

Then he spots me through the window, and starts walking over to Luke's.

"Hey Rory," Tristian says shyly.

I've never seen Tristian shy, especially around me.

"Are these for me?," I ask sweetly.

"Yeah they are," Tristian says nervously.

"They are beautiful," I say, and hug Tristian.

"Just like you," Tristian says smirking.

I blush, and look out the window.

The whole town was watching us.

Tristian tried to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"What's wrong?," Tristian asks, spunding confused.

"Nothing," I mumble, lying.

Luke comes out with my french toast, and completly ignores Tristian.

"Well I'll see you in school tomorrow," Tristian says waving.

"Yeah see you," I smile waving.

Tristian leaves, and I can see him walking down the street.

I probably confused him, and should have just told him, what was bothering me.

But I couldn't.

I ate my french toast, and left the money on the table.

Then I walked home, to get the piles of homework I had to do done.

It was an uneventful rest of the day, and I had put the daises Tristian had brought me, in a vase.

They looked so beautiful, and I felt guilty.

I would just explain to Tristian tomorrow at school.

That would fix everything.

It had to.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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