Chapter 4

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Rory's Pov:

Today was my last day at Stars Hollow High.

It was the end of the day, and I was clearing out my locker.

I really had accumulated a lot of stuff, over the years.

It was in a cardboard box, and I struggled with it, as I walked out of the school.

Lane had to go straight home today, something with cousins and a lot of praying.

Sounded scary.

Lorelai wouldn't be home for awhile, so I walked along the street, to my stuff.

I dropped everything in my room, and laid on my bed sighing.

I would never set foot again, in that school.

I can't believe on Monday, I would be a private school girl.

Lorelai already had bought my uniform, and everything.

It was a plaid skirt, and blazer, with saddle shoes.

I knew Lorelai would try to shorten the skirt.

And of course I completely forgot, we would have to go to The Grandparents, for dinner tonight.

Lorelai would be extremely crabby, when she got home.

So I just read my books, and picked out an outfit for tonight.

It was a sweater, with a black skirt, complete with black knee boots.

Dinner starts at seven at the Grandparents, and it always had.

Lorelai didn't get home until six, and we were both rushing around, to get to the Grandparents on time.

We would hear about it, if we weren't.

But of course traffic was horrendous, and we made it just in time.

"Okay here we go," Lorelai says.

I follow next to her, and I ring the doorbell.

"It's so nice to see you both," Emily says smiling, and walks us to the living room.

She hands Lorelai wine, and me a Coke.

To say it was awkward, was an understatement.

Grandpa handed me a piece of the paper, and I grabbed it grateful for a distraction.

"Dinner is ready," One of the chefs says.

Good I'm starving.

But it doesn't get any better, as we are all seated at the table.

Emily Just glares at Lorelai.

"So Mom how have you been?," Lorelai asks innocently.

"I'll just go help Mera with the roast," Emily mumbles, leaving the table.

We all just stare at each other.

"I'll go help her," Lorelai volunteers, and leaves Grandpa and I alone.

"Need any help?," Lorelai asks.

"No." "I can't believe you," Emily says angrily.

"What did I do?," Lorelai asks.

"All these years you took her away from us." "You moved away and we never got to see Rory," Emily yells angrily.

"Mom you tried to control me." "I needed space to breath," Lorelai explains.

They were yelling, and both I and Grandpa could hear them.

I didn't know what to say.

Lorelai come back out to the table, and sit in silence.

"Pass the potatoes please," Grandpa says.

I pass him the potatoes, and try smiling.

When we leave Lorelai doesn't say a word, until we are in the car.

"That was interesting," Lorelai smiles.

"Interesting is an understatement," I mumble, trying not to laugh.

"You know what we need," Lorelai suggests happily.

"A flying flamingo?," I ask giggling.

"No coffee and lots of pie," Lorelai says michievoucly.

So of course we stop at Luke's Diner, and sit at our usual table.

Like brings over our favorite pies, and we dig in, since we didn't eat that much of dinner.

"Pie always fixes everything," I say smiling.

"True," Lorelai smiles back.

I wish things with us, would always stay the same.

Too bad I was wrong.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a good day.

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