Chapter 33

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Rory's Pov:

I arrived in Hartford, without the slightlest clue where Tristian even was.

I just assumed he lived here.

I just walked around, like I knew where I was walking to.

But then I saw a payphone in the distance.

I ran to it, and dialed the number I knew by heart, but nobody picked up.

I was in trouble.

Don't panic.

So I didn't.

I walked around the town, and admired everything.

It was much more extravagant than Stars Hollow.

Everything seemed bigger.

I noticed a figure it the distance, and thought they looked an awfully lot like Tristian.

When they turned around, I knew it was Tristian.

He looked at me for a split second, and I ran over to him.

"Hey stranger," I say smiling, and hugging him.

"Hey what are you doing here?," Tristian asks smiling.

"Just thought I'd visit," I say, kissing him on the cheek.

"Does Lorelai know your here?," Tristian asks, suddenly worried.

"Lorelai doesn't need to know," I mumble, mischievously.

"Rory Gilmore you are crazy sometimes," Tristian declares, ruffling my hair.

"Eh I get that from Lorelai," I say smiling, and laughing up a storm.

Maybe I was crazy.

"So Mr. Tourguide what is there to do here in Hartford?," I ask, in a teasing tone.

"So many things," Tristian smirks.

He walks around town with me.

Tristian holds my hand, and this day got even better than I imagined.

Until a woman who looks eerily like Tristian, spots us.

"Tristian I've been looking all over for you." "Who is this?," She asks, angrily.

"Mom calm down." "This is Rory she's my girlfriend," Tristian says proudly.

"Rory nice to meet you," She says with a tight lipped smile.

"Nice to meet you too," I say nervously.

"Well sorry Rory but I gotta go," Tristian says smiling.

"Yeah I'll see you at school," I say grinning.

Tristian's mom practically drags him away from him, and I walk back to the bus stop, book in hand.

I was very confused, by Tristian's mom reaction to me.

She seemed very angry, which made no sense.

I would have thought, she would have been happy for us.

Guess not.

I get on the bus, and it takes me back to Stars Hollow.

Lorelai was going to be pissed.

Oh well.

I get off of the bus, and walk to not my house, but the park.

I needed some time to think.

Maybe Tristian was right, maybe I shouldn't meet his family.

I didn't contemplate anything, just read my book.

It was late afternoon, and the sun looked so pretty.

I noticed it, and smiled to myself.

I should get home soon though, so Lorelai doesn't have a panic attack.

So I walk home, dreading it.

But to my surprise nobody was home.

Lorelai was nowhere to be found.

I was baffled, I thought I was going to be reamed out.

Then I saw a note, taped to the fridge.


I am working late.

But we can meet later at Luke's.


Oh crap she was probably already at Luke's, and wondering where I was.

So I ran out of the house, and all the way to Luke's.

Sure enough Lorelai was sitting at our table.

Crap I was going to have alot of explaining to do.

Interrogation here we come, this will be fun, not at all.

Another chapter. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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