I'm not Fucking gay

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I stood, "um, I'm going to go home." She looked down, "oh, you're not staying over?" I grabbed my jacket, "uh, nah, we have school tomorrow and I haven't slept at my house for a while." She nodded her head, "oh okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow." She hugged me and I quickly left, so I wouldn't be stuck in the awkwardness after.

He began to get nervous after J asked him who he liked. I sorta feel bad.

I took a deep breathe and kept my eyes on the ground, "I just, okay promise you won't judge me." I paused and waited for him yo reply, "of course I won't mike, we're best friends." Is he already friend zoning me? "um, I.. I like, okay, shit, sorry, I like.. you." I turned to the side but kept staring at the floor. "Oh." That's all he said, and we stayed silent the entire way home, I think I just fucked up our friendship.

I opened the door and hoped Neil wasn't still awake, when I walked in I saw a light flicker then open, revealing the horrifying face of Neil, "Where were you Maxine?" I gulped , "um, I was at El's" He rolled his eyes, "what's up with you two? Huh? you've been spending a lot of time with her lately." I took a few steps back, "nothing, she's my best friend, obviously I'm spending time with her." He did a sarcastic sympathetic voice, "oh maxie don't lie to me. What's up with you guys?" I became upset but tried not to show it, I can tell Neil has already drunk multiple bottles of beer, "I already told you, nothing is happening, we're friends." He stood from the couch and walked close to me, "Maxine, are you... gay?" I furrowed my eyebrows and lied, "I'm not fucking gay Neil" he got closer to me, to the point were I could feel the hotness of his breath against mine, smelling like beer, "Good Maxie, because if you were, you know what I'll do." He pinned me against the wall, "see Maxine, it'll be worse" he was gripping onto me tight, I wish I stayed at Jane's. He held my wrist tighter and tighter until he finally let me go, "go to bed! School is tomorrow." I ran up to my room and began crying.

The door widened opened to reveal a drunk hopper, "Hopper, what's wrong?" He was walking towards the kitchen, "oh, kiddo, just went out, go to bed, you got school tomorrow." I stood, still confused.


I didn't notice how long its been since I've updated lol I'm really sorry about that, but I didn't really have inspo before but I'm starting to get some now so yeah <3 also I didn't read over this so sorry for any mistakes

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