The Silence Kills Me

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For the rest of detention we kept our distance not saying a word to each other, not even when we left. It killed me. I knew I shouldn't have done that, she's not gay, she has a boyfriend, that makes her feel like shit. I like her and I can't make it stop.

When I got home I lay in my bed, crying into my pillow. I do like her and the kiss proved that. What is wrong with me? She thinks I hate her, I like her, I don't know how to tell her, how would I also tell Mike? I began to scream into my pillow, Hopper burst through the door, "El!" I looked up to him, my face red, "yes." He sat at the end of the bed, "What's wrong kid?" I sat up, "I just had a bad day."
"What happened?"
"I got my detention extended for something I didn't even do."
He looked sympathetic, "what did he accuse you of?"
I began to panic, "Smoking."
"Did you need anything?"
I nodded, "I just need to be alone." As soon as I said that he quickly left, shutting the door slowly. I had to lie, I couldn't tell him I was gay.

I ruined everything. Billy came in, "Someone's at the door for you, Lucas. You're going to go to him and tell him to leave. You are no longer allowed to see that Sinclair kid." By the time he finished that sentence his hand was tightly gripped around my wrist. I stood leaving my room when I got to the door, I turned around to see Billy watching me, "Lucas, I'm busy now. You have to leave." He looked confused, "um, okay." I shut the door on him. I turned around to Billy with tears in my eyes, "Happy?" He smiled, "Very." I pushed past him and locked the door behind me. I began to radio El, "El, are you there? We need to talk."

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