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I had been walking for 15 minutes until I finally reached Will's house, he opened the door, "Hey, what's up?" I sighed, "I tried to apologize but she said 'fuck you'" he shrugged, "oh, kinda makes sense, you were a shithead." I gently smiled, "what do I do now?" Will wriggled his nose, which looked adorable, "Well, let's not just stand here. Come in." I followed him in and he continued talking, "Just give El time, she'll come to you when you're ready."

Max was jumping around, dancing to Angel by Madonna. She sat down on the bed next to me, "Don't you wonder what Mike was going to say?" I shrugged, "I guess, but I can't stand to listen to his voice after what he said. Max shrugged her shoulders, "yeah, I understand. So.... What do you wanna do?" I smiled to her, "we're not watching a movie." She stood up and laughed, "What else are we supposed to do?" I stood up with her, "we can, play a game?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "El, we're not five." I laughed, "I didn't mean fucking hide and seek you idiot." She began to laugh and I couldn't keep mine in, whenever she was happy I became happy, her smile is contagious. "Okay, El, what game do you want to play?" I looked down to the ground, "I don't know. Oh! You can teach me how to skateboard." She brushed my arm, "in case you're not aware its nighttime El." I looked to the window, "right." She smiled reassuring, "I can teach you in the future?" I smiled, "yeah, I guess."

Mike finally said something after what felt like the awkwardest, he walked over to the phone, I knew where this was going, "I just I don't want her to be mad at me for too long or she'll actually never talk to me again. I'm calling her." I stood from the couch, "Mike, I don't think that's the best idea-" he held his hand up, "shush I can't hear anything, sorry." I sat back down and sighed knowing I couldn't stop him.

After contemplating what to do the phone started to ring. I looked over to El, confused, she reflected the look back. I walked over to the phone and El followed, "um, hello?" I heard a crack through the other side, "Max? Is El there?" Fucking Mike, "why?" He began to sound desperate, "I just really need to talk to her." I looked over to El and held the phone to my chest, "Its Mike, he wants to talk to you." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "tell him I don't want to talk to him." I slowly nodded my head and turned back around, "she's busy." Mike sighed loud enough for it to go over the phone, "okay, bye." I hung up the phone and sat next to El on the bed.

"Okay, bye." I heard a beeping coming from the other end and put the phone back. I turned around to Will on the couch, "grab your jacket." He squinted his eyes, "we are not going there Mike." I nodded my head, "yes we are will." I grabbed his hands, I could feel my cheeks burning. "She won't talk to me over the phone? We'll just go over. I can't stand her being mad at me, Will." We got on our bikes and starting riding to Max's.

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