I Like You

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I cannot believe I just said that.

"Max?" She turned around her eyes still filled with tears, "yeah." I got closer to her and hugged her, "its okay." It hurt me to see her like this, my heart aches, I feel like I can't do anything to help her, and I... I like her, but I can't tell her that, she likes someone else. She wiped away her tears and walked towards the mirror, "I look like shit." I whispered under my breath, "no, you don't." She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back, "Are you, going to break up with Lucas?" She shrugged, "I don't really think we're dating." I smiled, "I think he thinks you guys are." She laughed, "I guess I should at least tell him I don't like him." I think I fell deeper for Max, "Yeah." She held her hand to her face, "Shit, what did I just do?" I looked confused, "What?" She sighed, "You hated me yesterday, we've had like two conversations together and I just, I just came out to you." I got closer to her, "Which I am extremely proud of you for doing." I gave her a soft smile.

Her smile lights up my world, I looked down blushing, "I feel stupid." She shook her head, "you're not stupid." Our eyes made eye contact, not breaking, I leaned in and so did she, I was so close to her I could feel the warmth of her body, I finally reached her, her soft lips felt nice, shit, I'm actually kissing her right now and she's kissing back.

Our mouths are melting together, this feels so much better than kissing Mike, her lips feel soft against mine, I could almost taste her mouth, shit, I really do like her, I never want this to end. Soon we heard a loud door slam, causing us both to pull away from the kiss. The principal walked in, "You girls have accomplished absolutely nothing! Get working, you have an hour to get this all finished!" Luckily the principal didn't see us. I looked at her, "I.. I-" she looked down, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I'm going to do the shower." I tried to tell her, I liked her too, but the words wouldn't come out.

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