6th Period

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And I have to see Max, again. Ugh, why do I have so many classes with her.

El probably wishes I was Mike, El and Mike are so 'in love' its gross. I've decided I'll sit next to El.

Great she sat next to me, again. Mr Clarke began talking, "So, unfortunately the school hasn't given us the criteria for English yet, so you are allowed to work on your Science for this period." Great I'm stuck with her.

I've come to the conclusion that today officially sucks.

Max sits closer to El. El looked at her, angry, "Get away." Max looked confused, "Aren't we working on the Science?" El pushes Max away, causing Mr Clarke to look up not saying anything. Max stood from the ground, "No need to be a bitch about it Eleven." Max and El were soon interrupted by Mr Clarke, "Go to the principals office, both of you!"


Shit. I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the room before Max, but we still ending up walking together, in complete silence, awkward. Even if I were to say something what would I even say.

She keeps looking over at me every 5 seconds. She looks like she's struggling to say something. This is all her fault. She didn't need to push me. We finally get to the principals office her walking in first and me following.

The principal straightened his back so that he was sitting formally. "Come in, girls." They both walked in, sitting on the two chairs in front of his desk. "I understand what happened in class, however, that behavior is not accepted at this school. You will both have detention after school for the rest of the week, starting today." El and Max looked at each other, upset but didn't say anything, he began talking again, "You can return to class now." They both stood up, Max leaving first followed by El. Once again they walked back to class in complete silence.

Bell rings for the end of the day

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