Chapter 1: The Begining

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Warning, this takes in between season 12 and season 13 of Red vs Blue, and season two of RWBY.

The Reds, Blues, Wash and Carolina were fighting off Locus and Felix's men. Their own soldiers were fighting elsewhere. Luckily they still had a warthog. Simmons was on the turret while everyone else took cover. Sarge pointed his shotgun at a nearby soldier and shot his head off. "I love the smell of blown off heads!" Sarge yells.

"Epsilon, can you see how many of them are left?" Carolina asked. All of a sudden a soldier with a knife vaulted over and tried to stab Carolina. She grabs the soldier's arm, twists it and then elbows down on his elbow causing it to break. She then takes the knife and stabs him in the throat and kicks his body out of the way.

"There's still a ton of them from what I can see." Epsilon says. They just seemed to crawl out of the woodworks. Carolina shot her battle rifle at a few more soldiers.

"Everyone get back!" Wash yells. A grenade was thrown in their general direction they all dove and took cover. Well Caboose actual had to be dragged to cover since he's…Caboose. It went off and luckily no one got hurt.

They all got back up and starting shooting again. And then Felix appeared out of nowhere and dragged Simmons out of the turret. "What's up dumbasses?" He says sarcastically. He plants a plasma grenade on the warthog. Everyone, even Caboose, jumped out of the way. The warthog exploded.

As everyone tried to reach for their weapons the space marines pointed their guns at everyone. They were surrounded. Carolina was able to reach her magnum but Felix put his boot on her wrist and shot her arm three times. "Carolina!" Wash yells.

A space Marine puts his gun right into Wash's helmet and he shuts up. "Good job boys. Now let's chain them up." Felix says. The Space Marines actual does put chains on all of them. They plant the chains in the ground so they can't move. Everyone is in a circle chained up. And then Felix goes up to them and holds out a weird looking grenade.

"You know you guys have been a huge pain in the ass for all of us these past few months." Felix taunts. "And now, I'm ending it. This here is a little teleportation grenade that we modified." He explains.

"Big deal what are you going to do teleport us to a jail?" Tucker jokes. A space marine uses his gun to hit Tucker in the gut. "Ow, you fucker!" Again, another blow. Tucker just took it and didn't say anything.

"Actually, this grenade just won't teleport you anywhere." Felix said. There is a slight pause. "This Grenade, if our theory is correct, it will teleport you to another dimension." He says wickedly. "As to what the dimension's like or whether or not it works, I couldn't give two shits. All I care about is that you our out of our hair. Personally I would've just shot you till you died, but Control said otherwise. Goodbye, Reds and Blues." He says.

He throws the grenade at them and his crew back up. All of a sudden the portal opens up and it's like a black hole. It sucks up the Reds and Blues with Carolina and Wash. The next thing Felix knows they are gone. He chuckles and then tells everyone to move out.

Meanwhile the next thing the Reds Blues Wash and Carolina knows is that they are falling. They break out of the chains and they try to find somewhere to land. "Hey," Tucker says. "I think I see a-" all of a sudden he goes through a glass ceiling and into a building with everyone else. Carolina is the only one who managed to fall without too much injury as she landed perfectly on her feet.

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