°52° Alezorio can't we stay in snuggle drink hot coco eat breakfast in bed?

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Koi soup imagine this guy is Alezorio even though he's not him in the picture with Lianna. Listen to the music when you see the music emoji.

This chapter is dedicated to -XSUNSHINEYOLOX-

This chapter is dedicated to -XSUNSHINEYOLOX-

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Christmas Morning

"Lianna wake up, it's Christmas."

We slept in today. Lianna is on break between semesters. She's been using the time to catch up on sleep relax, paint, and we even went to Japan for a few weeks as an early graduation present. Lianna loved it. She's always wanted to go. I did too. Getting to spend time with her in a any setting is always great.

Lianna's tucked into me, her face pressed on my chest over my heart beat. She's wearing just a sweater and underwear because she felt cold last night. It snowed last night so maybe that's why. Plus she's severely anemic.

The past month and half has been filled with new experiences for me. If your wondering yes I'm still seeing doctor Nagler. She's grown on me and I think it's been helping, plus Lianna thinks it's good for me. I take her opinion very seriously as she's going to be a therapist one day.

Lianna is adamant on not getting up. I have a some plans for us today. I want to go shopping for some art stuff plus some other things. I've been thinking lately about popping the question on graduation day. Lately It's the one thing that's consistently come up in my sessions, my desire to make our relationship legal on paper.

I've talked to doctor Nagler about a hundred times. I'm ready, it's what I want next for Lianna and I. Dr. Nagler thinks it's good I'm waiting until Lianna finished school. Getting married is a big commitment, 'you wouldn't want to get in the way of her studies.'

Her exact words. In my opinion it's the perfect time. Whenever I imagine Lianna walking towards me with her diploma, I picture myself waiting on one knee with a ring. She won't see it coming.

"Lianna hun it's Christmas. I want us to enjoy today. Wake up."

"Alezorio can't we stay in, snuggle, drink hot coco, eat breakfast in bed?"

That does sound good. It's our first Christmas together. I want us to make it one we'll alway remember.

"Its our first Christmas together. Let's make today a good one."

"Okay fine."



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