°24° Nice to meet you I'm Adrianne Alezorio's ex-girlfriend.

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Chapter is dedicated to Barbra1986.

Wait did I hear that correctly?

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Wait did I hear that correctly?

"Mom and Jaye bet on when I'd realize I love you."

Did Lia just say what I think she said?

Lia realize she loves me.

"Lia you there?"

"I'm here."

"Are you okay you blacked out for a second there."

"I'm okay."

Shs doesn't sound okay. Maybe Lia regrets revealing this. Maybe she thinks I don't feel the same way. But I do. Then tell her Alezorio before it's too late.

"Lia you still there?"


"I love you too. I've known for awhile how we both felt about each other. But I was waiting for you to admit it first before I tell you. I'm sorry baby if it seems I didn't reciprocate your feelings. I was scared because I wanted to be sure before I said those three words."


"Are you upset with me?"

"No Ali I was scared to tell you too. I only did by accident because of the bet. I get where your coming from. We've both been hurt in the past by people we thought loved us."

"Thanks for understanding. I wish you were here so I can smoother you with kisses my love."

"Me too Ali. Why don't yo pick me up after my shift ends tomorrow? Let's go to the movie theater afterwards."

"Sure if that what you want. What are you doing right now?"

"Laying in bed getting ready to sleep. I already showered and ate dinner. What about you?"


We talked some more for a few hours until Lianna started yawning. At that point it's around one thirty so we said good night. I still can't believe we finally laid everything out on the table. Now we're completely transparent with each other. We know where we stand. I can't wait to shower her with love tomorrow.

The next day

Alezorio examines the old pictures of his next patient. These were taken 6 months ago. At the end of every appointment a nurse assistant takes pictures to document progress. This particular patient seemed to be getting worst or no improvement from the last appointment. They probably weren't using the medication as prescribed so their acne wasn't getting better.

This is one of the things he always considers. Not everyone always do what they say they're going to do. Alezorio went to the room where his patient is waiting. It's an older lady. He knocks and then enters.

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