°1° Why did she want cheese puffs?

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I tried writing this differently than how I wrote Intoxicated with you. If anyone came from it, I'll appreciate it if you could let me know once you've read a few chapters if my writing is better this way. Listen to music if you want, its Coldplay - fix you. Thank you and enjoy reading.

This chapter is dedicated to BEAUTY_OUTOF_ASHES

Lianna pulled her sweater tighter around herself

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Lianna pulled her sweater tighter around herself. She hated the cold and wouldn't be caught dead outside now if it wasn't for her mom craving cheese puffs.

The freezing wind blew in her face making her eyes instantly water and her nose redden even more. Why did she want cheese puffs now? On one of the coldest days this winter.

Lianna, of course, thought it was a wise choice to only wear a thick sweater alone without a jacket or even a scarf. While she's considered one of the brightest in her family, she still has moments of bad decisions. This being a prime example of one.

Quickly she walks at a brisk pace to the corner store to not freeze to death. Lianna dragged her cold body down the sidewalk. When the Deli came in sight Lianna thanked the universe she made it. Any second longer she felt her fingers would freeze permanently.

Lianna pulls open the door and felt the immediate flood of warmth from going inside. She went over to the left by the rack of chips from lays to Cheetos and spotted the cheese puffs. Grabbing two bags because once her sister Jaye saw them, there wouldn't be enough for her and their mom.

She went back to the boy at the register to pay. He looked about her age, maybe a year younger. His eyes were a warm brown and his hair cut really low. He had really long eyelashes and a medium skin tone.

"Is that everything?" His friendly tone questions not looking at Lianna's items but on her face.

"Yeah," she says lowering her eyes to not make eye contact with him. Lianna didn't like whenever attractive people paid her attention because it made her feel bad about herself. She wondered what they were thinking when they looked at her acne-prone face.

She has suffered from acne since fifth grade and still dealt with it at age 23. It shattered any confidence left. The acne alone made her despise her appearance but added with people who constantly reminded her of how bad it looks, makes her feel even worse about herself. It made her love herself a little less.

"Four dollars."

She gave him a five-dollar bill and waited for him to pack her things into a plastic bag and hand her the change.

Lianna uttered a silent "thank you" and left the store wanting to rush back home and huddle into darkness under a thick warm blanket.

Later that night after dinner Lianna laid in bed underneath those covers. She could hear noise coming from the living room. Her mother Carolyn and Jaye snacking together in front of the TV on those cheese puffs. However unannounced to them Lianna laid crying herself to sleep. Thinking only thoughts of self-hate and feeling bad about the way she looked.

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