°38° When can I expect my first grandchild?

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This is chapter is dedicated to DaShaelahSanders

Koi soups I'm sure you all have noticed I've went back and titled all the previous chapters. I think it adds to the story so I'll be doing so from now on. What do you guys think of the titles? Do they make sense?

 What do you guys think of the titles? Do they make sense?

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"Mijo Lianna is perfect for you."

Mom and I are having brunch. Lianna said she had some errands to do so she couldn't tag a long. Though I think she wanted to give us alone time. Lianna is one of the most considerate individuals I know. But back to what mom said.

"Really? I'm happy you thinks so because I agree 1000 percent. She suits me in every way. I love her mom."

"I know I can tell. Your eyes light up like its Christmas whenever she's around. It's like your a child again with how happy you seem. I'm happy she's isn't like Adrianne. I never liked that girl for you."

We can both agree on that as well.

Adrianne didn't deserve me. Anyone who cheats on someone they claim to love doesn't deserve the other person.

"Where do you see your relationship going with Lianna?"

I don't even have to think to answer.

"I want to marry her one day. Have children, grow old together."

She seems shocked at my answer but the shimmer in her eye said there's more to it than that.

"Mom what is it?"

"You know last night I asked Lianna this too and she answered the same way you did. She wants to marry you create a family together."

Oh really?

We've talked about it here and there especially after our pregnancy scare. It's nice to know we're on the same page in the marriage aspect because we've only discussed how Lianna feels about having children. This puts some things into perspective about our future.

"Boy are you listening to me?"

"Sorry not really. What were you saying?"

Mom shakes her head in annoyance.

"When can I expect my first grandchild?"

"Mom it's too soon to think about that. Lianna still has next year to complete to get her degree. Maybe a year or two after that."

"I don't know if I can wait three more years. What about two?"

"You know that's not how it works right?"

"Of course, I had you didn't I."

I really don't want to picture that.

"All I'm saying is your mom is getting old so don't take too long."

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