°11° What does he look like without clothes in the way?

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Koi soups I would really appreciate if you read that you give a ⭐ if you like the chapters. If you don't it means you don't the chapter and that makes me think you're not enjoying the story. However it's not the case I would love if my Koi soups vote. I think this book maybe a bit longer than Intoxicated with you. Hope you all stick around. ♥️♥️ my readers.

This is dedicated to dreamz.

Lianna's first thought when she woke the next morning is "weren't we taking things slow?" Guess not

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Lianna's first thought when she woke the next morning is "weren't we taking things slow?" Guess not.

As she recalled what transpired yesterday Alezorio held her waist fast asleep. His firm muscles felt devine next her soft curves. He's completely molded to her body. But Lianna surprisingly didn't mind. Why?

I'm trying so hard to push Alezorio away, but he's making it so difficult to resist his charm.

Lianna remembers how his tongue felt on her flesh as he ate her. She never experienced anything like that before. Yes she dated once before but the most they got around to was light kissing.

Nothing like last night.

I hope he doesn't think I want to be with him now. Because I don't.

I still don't think he's serious about me. But she wouldn't mind if they did that again.

The way he effortlessly played her p*ussy like it's an instrument Lianna would do anything to feel that again. Feel her body let go under his masterful mouth on her most private area. He knew exactly how to take care of her needs. It's the best feeling.

The only thing that'll make it weird is she didn't want to date him. But, Lianna had no problem being friends with benefits. Especially if that's what it took to protect herself from ever getting hurt again.

But friends with benefits would only work if he's okay with it too.

Alezorio shifted in his sleep holding Lianna closer into his brick like chest. Even through his shirt she could feel his toned abs underneath.

What does he look like without clothes in the way?

If she was ever to see him nude Lianna felt she would faint. She didn't even want to speculate what his body looks like, because that would mean she's attracted to him a little. Meaning there's a possibility of Lianna developing feelings. Feelings Lianna didn't want nor need. They weren't getting together.

At least that's what she tells herself. But the universe seems to have other plans for them.

Lianna wouldn't be able to be with a man like him anyway. So she'll try her best to be as non emotionally attached as possible, no matter what arrangement they settled on. Hopefully the one that best prevents heartbreak on her part.

Lianna felt sleepiness come over again suddenly and she went back to sleep as quietly as she woke up.


Lianna was in a place between still asleep and almost awake when she felt Alezorio's eyes trained on her face. She was starting to wake up. He must have been up for I while now watching her sleep she mused to herself.

"Lianna I know you're awake."

Alezorio's morning raspy deep voice made her stomach spin. How is he always so perfect?

Lianna tried to roll over to face the other way so he couldn't see her. But of course Alezorio didn't let her.

"Uhh how long have you been watching me sleep?" Lianna questions when her intent to ignore him fails. Lianna still hadn't opened her eyes yet. If she did she'd have to face him.

"For about an hour. Lianna when are we gonna talk about last night?"


Alezorio knew Lianna wasn't prepared to talk about what happened

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Alezorio knew Lianna wasn't prepared to talk about what happened. But he wanted to because she has to hear it's one of the best sexual encounters he's had in the past few months.

"Baby what we did last night was amazing and something I'd like to do again real soon, but only if you let me. I know I promised to take it slow but you're too irresistible Lianna."

She took in a deep breath but didn't comment. So I just started walking my fingers down her arm until I held her hand and repeat that again going back up to where her shoulder and neck meets.

Lianna you have no idea what you're silence is doing to my mind.

"I'll be right back" Lianna whispers before getting up and leaving the room. Only seconds later and Jaye's head peeks into the door left craked open.

"Good morning Jaye."

I wasn't suprised to see her because I've come to realize she's one nosey older sister. But I don't mind, means she cares about my love. With how private Lianna is I don't even know if she has any friends who care about her. I need to learn more about Lianna.

Jaye walks in and close the door softly behind her. She walks over and stands by the bed, so I sit up somewhat.

"What are your intentions with my sister?" Jaye goes straight to the point.

Her pale green eyes stared intently at me. She looked ready to attack if I answer incorrect.

"The only intention I have with Lianna is, being with her for the rest of my life until death do us part. I know it's really soon in our relationship but I think I'm falling in love with your sister."

Jaye didn't show any indication that what I said took her by suprise. She just gives me a mysterious smile and leaves the room. Leaving me confused as to what it meant. Okay?

After Jaye leaves Lianna enters after a few minutes. She's comes back to bed and sits crossed leg facing me.

"Alezorio I really enjoyed last night, but it doesn't change anything. I still don't want to date you... But I'm open to being friends with benefits."

Well I definitely didn't see that one coming.

Koi soups here's a short update. I know it's been a minute since the last chapter. Thanks to all of you who are reading so far.

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